Magic Scaling mods have become quite popular (and crucial to playing a mage character, in my own humble opinion).
I don’t know if anyone else has thought about this, but I find it hard to choose one mod among the many that fits what I want exactly, and at the same time I find SkyProc to be an incredibly accessible way to customize mods for personal use.
What about a mod that used the SkyProc-patcher to let the user change the rate at which magic scales themselves?
This would allow them to tailor the game's magic system for themselves, and completely customize how they want it to be.
Is such a mod in existence/development?
If not, I’ll air out the rest of my Idea…
The patcher would allow the players to choose the overall scale rate of each of the magic schools (in regards to damage/magnitude, cost, duration, etc.), and then in sub-menus choose the scale rate of specific spells (with a lot more detailed focus on the individual spell's values (such as how much magicka a lightning spell zaps or how much stamina a restoration spell restores (granted that perk is present), how many familliars a conjurations spell summons (and how strong they are), etc.)). The mundane (damage/magnitude, cost, duration, etc.) values should also be adjustable for the individual spell, and one should also find an indicator of the vanilla max damage/cost/etc. (with or without perks), and the new max damage/cost/etc. (with or without perks). For the individual spell it would also make sense to be able to edit from where to where it scales, as there is no reason, for example, for expert spells to scale before skill level 75.
Lastly, the mod should make it possible to adjust the dual-casting cost/magnitude ratio (overall or for each school or for each spell)
(I had another idea of letting the user chose the scale rate of shout abilities in relation to the speechcraft of the player character (damage, cooldown, effect magnitude, etc.), but let us let that be for now)
Whether the mod includes the editing of perks is of no matter to me.
Perks seem as an easier thing to change oneself, as opposed to spell-scaling, that I find harder to grasp...
This could quite possibly be the ultimate Magic Scaling Mod!
Thanks for hearing me out.
If this seems familier it might be because I posted it on the Nexus-Forums a few days ago.
It raised absolutely no exitement/attention whatsoever, so I decided to re-post it here.