I was following Gopher"s install instruction for Skyre (and immersive armors as he includes it) and ran into an issue with the reproccer/BOSS. Since immersive armors (V7) does not contain SPIKE.esm BOSS flags it. it looks like the Bolbour and Steelsouls patcher sees that as well and wont patch Immersive armors for me....I think I find a work around but I am not sure if this will work correctly. I also use Guard dialogue Overhaul (GOD) which DOES contain SPIKE.esm. Once I activated GOD and ran BOSS/the Proccer Patch it was no longer flagged and the patcher included immersive armors. Did I do something wrong here? will that cause problems? Should I just go with Skyre +Immersive Amors (V6) which contains SPIKE until they update the reproccer? I read that all the SPIKE.esm's were the same so I don't see why it wouldn't work but I need someone a lot smarter than me to help me (as I have the IQ of a pine cone).