E3 2011 Floor Plan: http://www.mapyourshow.com/shows/index.cfm?Show_ID=E311
Pete Hines Tweets:
@Dan_Incognito Maaaaaaybe.
@DCDeacon Pete. Could you kindly tell me (seriously) what that curve in the Beth booth is on the E3 floor layout? I thank you sir!
@LukeIn3D You mean in the E3 show floorplans? No idea why that's on there.
@DCDeacon Will the gamesas booth at E3 be "closed off" and "by appointment only?" I don't see why since everyone there is in the industry.
@Mankar_Camoran Yes. It's closed because it's impossible to properly show your game to 40-50K people. We try to focus our efforts.
@DCDeacon Hey, quick question. Will you guys announce E3 plans in the next couple weeks, or is it more of a low key thing?
@yanks4champs Low key, I guess? We'll be showing the games we are already talking about.
@DCDeacon OK thanks. It's just that E3 is 3 weeks away and I was wondering if we'll be seeing Skyrim or only hearing about it from the media
@yanks4champs Doesn't mean we don't look at ways of showing some of the game to a wider audience and our fans.
@DCDeacon Will we get to see the PC features of Skyrim on E3? I mean, distinctions in the interface, PC screens and stuff?
@paul_step Probably not until later.
@DCDeacon So is it true that the Skyrim section for E3 will be closed off to the public? There's no live demo?
@IplayGuitarLOL Our booth is always by appt only.
@DCDeacon When EXACTLY are Skyrim fans going to see an in-game footage (someone actually playing the game) video?
@briand932 probably E3
@DCDeacon one of your tweets said fans will get new footage of Skyrim at "probably E3". Is it still undecided, or should we expect some?
@ivandalx Always tentative to say anything definite, but chances are good for "something".