Maybe :shrug: we will see in a month or so.
Now now now. I don't mean to call you out or anything, but it should be quite clear that the achievements are ordered, just as they were in the list for Oblivion (Ragamuffin just posted a link to that list). Look at the way the points are distributed after Dragonslayer. 10, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, and so on. Every third achievement is joining a guild. Joining the Dark Brotherhood, and the two after it, have skulls in their images. Taking sides in the civil war is followed by two achievements that have to do with military victories.
That little bit aside, I like the idea that SonofSkyrim brings up. The Stormcloaks/Imperial Legion questline will likely follow military-political lines, as it's the story of a Civil War. The fourth achievement is called Diplomatic Immunity, which fits right into the idea of a political climate. My thought would be this: There are two ways to complete Diplomatic Immunity. Looking back at Morrowind, the quest to become Hortator, to be recognized by the three great houses, had different ways to complete it based on your house affiliation. If you were already in charge of a house, then you were automatically its hortator. If not, you often had to kill the current master. For Diplomatic Immunity, I think it would come to this:
If you are the Hero of Skyrim, you don't need to seek out diplomatic immunity because you're already the hero, and no one would get mad at you. You've unified the nation.
If you are not yet the Hero of Skyrim (or never will be, if that's how you choose to play), then you must do this and that task, bribe the right people or prove your strength, twice over, before you attain diplomatic immunity. Once you have diplomatic immunity, you might be able to avoid some of the complications that come up when you're in a warzone.