I've played TES games since Arena. The series has obviously taken a turn since then. There are many things that Beth has improved on and numerous things that they have changed in order to evolve this series from an RPG to an action game. With the changes to Skyrim being what they are, it's hard to disguise that this series has now evolved from an RPG series to an action series. I'm not putting Beth down, they are doing what they need to in order to make money. What I get frustrated with are folks trying to fit Skyrim into an RPG box. It's not an RPG. Beth is evolving, along with their customer base, and marketing their game to folks that can button push to accomplish their goals. The lore, the depth of play is officially over. It was going that direction after Oblivion and after seeing the changes for Skyrim, I think the transformation will be complete. Again, not saying anyone is wrong here, I just think people should call it for what it is. Skyrim is an action game, not an RPG. Accept that fact and a lot of the short comings, will be easier to swallow.