I'm loving Skyrim and have over 100 hours into it and I've heard Dark Souls is similiar, anyone played that? is it as amazing as Skyrim?
I have played Dark Souls, alot. They are very different. Dark Souls is also fairly open, but there is alot less hand holding then in skyrim.
But, there are no quests or people you come across, hardly. Just a few.
What Dark Souls is, is a masochistic adventure where you will die and die again and smile doing it.
There is no difficulty slider, but its one difficulty, and its insane.
There are easter eggs in the game that causes the game to be easier but recomend not picking these up.
Dark Souls is by far one of the best games I have played. The combat in Dark Souls have no comparison in any game, ever done.
Vs the lowest soldier you fight for your life even if you are 50 levels above them. Enemies in dark souls employ tactics, works together and do alot of damage.
Prepare to be 1 shotted, mutilated, chopped to pieaces and smashed into the ground.
Skyrim, is fantastic, with its story and open world, with its huge diversity and richness in environments.
They are 2 rpgs but are very different.
Dark Souls you mainly play for the combat and pure joy of the game. The quest is very long and very hard. Very hard.
A normal run through of Dark souls, on the first playthrough. Takes from 50 to 80 hours in average.
But thats the first playthrough. You can play the game 10 times. Each time it becomes more and more difficult.
Just the first nightmare, enemies are around 3 times as hard and gives 5 times more xp.
Again, you play dark souls for the pure enjoyment of thrilling, fantasticly well done and its deadly combat system. Above that, it have gorgeous graphics, amazing boss fights and a heap of feautures.
Thats why it have a metacritic of around 9-9.5:-)
PC gamers have no idea what they have missed since they did not get this game. Which is the only contender to Skyrim as RPG of the year.
Skyrim winning this title is definately NOT a sure thing, due to Dark Souls. Personally, I think Dark Souls will win RPG of the year. There was little hype, it just came out, and rocked a whole gaming community.
Its a master pieace just like Skyrim.
Love them both.