Half Life 2 has had physical particles since day one and there's never been any lag or processing issues. Phys-x is not without it's uses, but it's not necessary, which is the key point. its just a waste of time for any developer to integrate it unless the game itself is about physics. There's no application it can perform that can't be done by simple animations.
I mean if Bethesda puts in the option to use it, whatever (as long as it doesn't harm the '"normal" particles and object physics), but to actually ask for Phys-X :confused:
HL2 had a few physically simulated particles, I'm talking dozens upon dozens, that don't last a second or two then vanish.
The mechanics of it are really quite simple - CPU bound physics have the major problem of the CPU being built primarily for a linear series of tasks, and in a physics system where every element may interact with every other that puts a limit on how many simulations you can reasonably run. Your GPU, however, is designed to run many smaller tasks in parallel, such as is required to render many parts of the same scene, or simulate dozens of different objects. In a very broad, vague way, CPUs go for power over parallelism, GPUs do it the other way around. Physical simulation is far more suited to the GPU than the CPU.
Our processors are more than strong enough to handle a scene's worth of important simulation, but they're nowhere near strong enough to handle the unimportant simulation. Glass shattering and the pieces falling - fine, the CPU can do that. You have a firefight in a room full of wine and all of a sudden we have 4000 individual elements all asking for physical simulation and the CPU only has so many clock cycles to spare, wheras the GPU has a lot more room for an awful lot of simple simulation. It's just a case of matching up a specialised processor to a specialised task.
I have my doubts whether GPU-powered physics will ever make a serious difference to gameplay, but to the atmosphere? Well, consider previous threads about, say, simulating rain properly. There are too many particles for the CPU to do it, but the GPU excels at doing a lot of reasonably simple maths.