Why do you need something like dx11??
The game will look great. Remember Morrowind "Alongside the compliments, however, came criticism that the game designers had overstretched themselves, leaving glitches in various spots, and made a game too taxing to be run on an average machine, with one reviewer calling it "a resource pig"."
Dx9 is in it's best years, there is no experimentation, no risks. Let them make a great solid game with the tools that they can trust so that we can have less glitches, bugs, a great looking game and a solid performence.
BTW I have I7 930, HD5970 and if I can run the game on 1920x1200 and move those sliders to the right I'll be happy, and I don't want to worry about running the game.
If you think DX11 is some glitchy tool that is risking to cause bugs and performance issues, you're sooooo wrong. You should read up on it.
First, DX11 has NOTHING to do with bugs or glitches in the game. Second, DX11 would increase the performance of using certain technologies many many times more than DX9 would.
Performance issues, glitches, bugs has to do with the game (and in this case partly also the Gamebryo engine...).
If everything thought like you, we would still be living in the middle-ages... saying "Oh but the oil lamp is the best thing in ages! Why would we need electricity? Screw that! Let's ditch it forever!" (sorry for the sarcasm
