I think Skyrim should be ported to Mac OSX, iOS (iPad), and Sony PSVita.
The PS3 version of Skyrim uses OpenGL, and it happens all the above three use the same graphics technology (OpenGL).
Mac OSX currently uses Intel (just like Windows machines), so it is also an easy port.
There are a few minor changes that may be needed to port to iOS and PSVita (learning ARM coding), but if they use higher level languages like C, it should shield them from most of the grunt work. I have a feeling they use interpreted languages, so that is even more higher up in abstraction (in the wrong way and direction though because of performance issues).
I hope they do realize that mobile devices are gonna take over the future gaming scene (if not already happening) in a big way. They are lucky because Android is stuck on java, so no 3D games on those (at least for hardcoe players like COD, Battlefield, and Bethesda games. But Apple iOS, Sony PSVita, the next Samsung non-Android OS, and probably Windows Phone (I think they learned their lesson and scrapped that slow .NET inspired XNA on mobile devices). There are a few holdouts that still want to go full HTML5 for everything including apps (stupid idea unless you want everything casual, and it would prevent Skyrim or graphic intense games from being ported or created).
I don't know, I have a feeling there is a dictator sitting somewhere guiding the industry but that dictator is out of touch with reality. Thinking Cloud can do everything, but neglect to take a look at certain segments of the world where it actually may do some harm. It harkens back to the Mainframe versus PC days. A powerful machine, lots of ascii terminals that are dumb. Then PC with smart CPU's inside took over the world and destroyed the mainframe model. Repeat. Sun comes around, wants "the network is the computer", but neglect to see that you need powerful CPU and performance in your pocket too, and they got destroyed. Then they want to move the games into the cloud and use the internet just to "pipe" the screen to your dumb device. Look where that company went (I think it is dead with no subscriptions). Just like people would rather be smart and can take care of themselves rather than be a drone always taking advice from someone far away, people want powerful machines in their pockets. This is why interpreted languages should NOT be on mobile devices eating at battery life and performance. This is why mobile devices should get more and more powerful so they rival mainframes long ago. So the best model is not Dumb devices connecting to Powerful Server. It should be Powerful devices connecting to Powerful other Devices (you can group these as a cloud if you want). Either can work without one another. Even better, bring the server functionality into your local device, so you can also host web servers in your own device if you want. Yes, there are a few things that needs to be solved before this becomes practical, but it is getting there, and it is not difficult.
Ok, now why am I rambling all of this? On this forum? Because it would be great to have Skyrim on a mobile device