Skyrim! and what i think!

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:55 am

Welcome to the Update Wish list topic

Hi my name is Kira.

On the 11th of November I brought a game that blew me off my feet in more ways than I can count. It's exploration, story, characters, leveling and so on has by far been far beyond what I had expected. As every game I expect updates and fixes for glitches but I ask this of the Bethesda team. What can we add to make this game more Fun, Enjoyable, Challenging, Exciting, Adventurous and above all a much better experience while playing.

I'm starting this topic to give people a chance to make requests of the Bethesda team. First I will make a list of what I would like to see in game and then after, Please feel free to make your own suggestions and requests. Hopefully with the input of the community and the interest of progression, Maybe just maybe Bethesda will seek to grant some if not all of our requests. So here is my list of what I would like to see in game, as possible updates and D/C.

list of updates and suggestions

1. Armour - cloaks

.More Fluent in movement
.More types and sizes
.More life like features
.More choice in robes
.More choice in Armours
.Life like motion
.Unrestricted movements
.Different sizes, S,M,L (cloaks)

This is an example of a Mage I would like to see in game.

2. Character updates

.Sword always visable on waist even if not equipped
.Satchels/ bags on back, waist.
.Shields shown on back even if not equipped
.Staffs visably held even if not equipped (can be used to it would help an old man like me)
.Blood stains after combat remain until character sleeps

3. gameplay - controls/ animation

.Use torch w/out unequipping weapons/ spells
.Left anolog to toggle walk/ run
.Movement animations, Climb/ dive etc

4. combat - action/ reaction

.Launched off feet (strong attacks/spells)
.Falling of edge when attacked next to one
.Staggering when in hand to hand combat

5. Weather - new actions

.Strong wind - put hands up in front of face
.Shallow water - struggle to move
.Sloped cliffs - character can slowly climb - This can be used to reach a destination quickly rather than having to travel the entire distance round a mountain range to get somewhere close but with no route 'UP'

These are my hopes for updates, i'm not saying I expect these to be taken seriously, I just gave a list of what I think would add to the games fun and excitement ^^
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