Skyrim Banks & Bank Robberies?

Post » Mon May 16, 2011 3:39 pm

So I just started playing Daggerfall while I wait for skyrim... I noticed not only are there banks,
but you can take out loans, (and run out of town if you wish).

Do fully functional banks sound practical in Skyrim with the economy system being
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 12:10 pm

So I just started playing Daggerfall while I wait for skyrim... I noticed not only are there banks,
but you can take out loans, (and run out of town if you wish).

Do fully functional banks sound practical in Skyrim with the economy system being

Of ocurse bro.

That would so so awesome if they had banks. I think they will, with the economic system being revamped like you said
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 2:34 pm

Don't see why not. You could rob them, bow to face. Or sneak in at night and rob them blind. Would be good for thieves.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 7:34 am

:) I seriously hope they do. Would make it a lot more fun to be a thief, Bigger targets then houses or pickpocketing.
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Rodney C
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 5:52 pm

Two more things to add about banks, one is that other people will be depositing money. This means you could rob the shopkeeper while he's on the way to the bank. The other is that the shopkeepers can have some money to buy your stuff in the store, but keep most of his money at the bank. One or two robberies won't put him out of business this way, and if you wanted to sell him an expensive item, he could get the extra money from his bank to buy it from you so you don't have to take a huge loss on it. The bank will be the means for you to be able to sell your high end gear to shopkeepers.
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jessica breen
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 1:40 pm

Two more things to add about banks, one is that other people will be depositing money. This means you could rob the shopkeeper while he's on the way to the bank. The other is that the shopkeepers can have some money to buy your stuff in the store, but keep most of his money at the bank. One or two robberies won't put him out of business this way, and if you wanted to sell him an expensive item, he could get the extra money from his bank to buy it from you so you don't have to take a huge loss on it. The bank will be the means for you to be able to sell your high end gear to shopkeepers.

Brilliant Idea.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 4:54 am

Sure, I guess. I don't see how it would add anything for me personally but, why not.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:45 am

Banks hmm yes - just for no other reason than I would love to have more unique places to break into and rob, with real reward and a greater chance of being caught. OB dropped the ball on this completely, making it pointless to break into a wealthy house just to steal a bunch of shirts and a couple of pointless levelled items, and then only being able to sell them to a fence.

Sorry I know that's missing the point slightly, but I do like to play rogues, and I'm hoping for more lucrative thieving opportunities in Skyrim!
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 4:50 am

Banks hmm yes - just for no other reason than I would love to have more unique places to break into and rob, with real reward and a greater chance of being caught. OB dropped the ball on this completely, making it pointless to break into a wealthy house just to steal a bunch of shirts and a couple of pointless levelled items, and then only being able to sell them to a fence.

Sorry I know that's missing the point slightly, but I do like to play rogues, and I'm hoping for more lucrative thieving opportunities in Skyrim!

Yeah oblivion did have the issue of only making breaking in stores efficient. When ever I broke into a house
I always felt like it was a total waste of time.

Even if banks were purely aesthetic I would still like high priority and difficulty targets for thiefs.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 8:18 am

Banks are in interesting idea, but to get loans should really require that you own collateral of some sort so you can lose things if you don't pay loans for thievery, banks should be possible to steal from but extremely hard, banks should have the highest level of detection. It's not realistic when any average Joe has enough sneak and lock-pick skill to sneak into a bank. As for robbing a bank, the bankers should shout loudly and arm weapons so it'd be an extremely hard fight if you even tried it...
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 1:28 pm

Two more things to add about banks, one is that other people will be depositing money. This means you could rob the shopkeeper while he's on the way to the bank. The other is that the shopkeepers can have some money to buy your stuff in the store, but keep most of his money at the bank. One or two robberies won't put him out of business this way, and if you wanted to sell him an expensive item, he could get the extra money from his bank to buy it from you so you don't have to take a huge loss on it. The bank will be the means for you to be able to sell your high end gear to shopkeepers.

Very good Shades. Your post actually reminded me of a topic I wanted to post on previously, but I'll just mention that here.

Now, I know it's been confirmed that we can affect the economy of a town/city/hold by damaging important economic infrastructure. This got me to thinking....if Beth has decided to put in the option of changing the whole economy for an area as large as a city, could we not change economic status on an individual level? What would be restricting us from ruining a rich noble? Or raising a peasant to a state of wealth? Or perhaps for an advanced level quest, perhaps we could blackmail a shopkeep to get free items and/or a permanent discount? Or destroy the workshop of a rival blacksmith to make him leave town, leveraging out the competition for our personal blacksmith, earning us a huge discount there? The options are endless.....and great for making income without dungeon crawling constantly.

With all these ideas, and the inclusion of mercantile previously, which supposedly is now added to Speechcraft, I'm seeing many more economic-based quests and opputunities for the player than ever before in TES V. Banks could be a huge part of this, as well. I always did think it was disappointing to have a half-hearted attempt at a mercantile skill in Oblivion, only to make it a waste of time instead of the boon to the player that it was supposed to be. I'm sure Skyrim has fixed that and I would expect to be pleasantly surprised all around.
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louise tagg
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 5:09 am

Seems to me that rich people in Skyrim will finally be actually rich. I think that the main thing keeping Beth from making the really rich folk in Cyrodill actually have a few million gold or whatever on them was that it would make it a simple feat to just kill them and have huge sums of currency, thus breaking the game's balance.

If banks are included in the game, then we can expect to see the rich folk storing their gold in said banks, so the "big feat" of robbing a bank would be way more difficult. Imagine a thieves guild bank heist! That would be spectacular :D
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:59 am

I loved the House Vaults in Morrowind. Breaking in and robbing them was one of the highlights of the game for me :) It would be really cool to see something similar in Skyrim
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 12:49 pm

Robbing a well protected Bank vault sounds like fun, I might even call my character Garrett this time around :) I have a strange feeling that Skyrim will be pretty tough on criminals though, one look at the Executioner in the concept art should be enough to convince you of that.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 6:53 am

Robbing a well protected Bank vault sounds like fun, I might even call my character Garrett this time around :) I have a strange feeling that Skyrim will be pretty tough on criminals though, one look at the Executioner in the concept art should be enough to convince you of that.

I think having robbale banks is a step in the right direction. Towns and big cities perform core social functions. On that same line of thought, that is why having the occasional brothel might not be such a bad idea after all. Of course there is such a fine line between elusive suggestion and plain debauchery.
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Kelly James
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:28 am

And when a Dragon comes and ravages the town holding all your riches

will you be devastated?


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Gill Mackin
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 4:49 pm


I'm more of a fan of rich Skyrim folks keeping their valuables close at hand, like in chests and in their own treasure troves. A central place to haul all their wealth while sounding like a fun activity for the thieving set, is tactically a nightmare as evidenced above.

Dragon + local bank + destruction and raided holdings = Failed Raven Rock situational.

All one dragon need do is burn it down, and gobble up the gold, and that economic structure has gone from a mercantile system based on gold, mead, and other things back to pigs, farming, and raiding. Bankrupt a town, and the town will resort to all manner of things to stay afloat, and not all of them are good. If the dragon returns or worse, breeds more and attacks en force, well, there you are. Those who thieve, now are no longer the only ones, as now your entire town may be forced to take what they want.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:42 am

All one dragon need do is burn it down, and gobble up the gold, and that economic structure has gone from a mercantile system based on gold, mead, and other things back to pigs, farming, and raiding. Bankrupt a town, and the town will resort to all manner of things to stay afloat, and not all of them are good. etc etc, as now your entire town may be forced to take what they want.

Sounds like good old nord politics.

Like the Backwards filth know anything beyond that. :obliviongate:
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 6:52 pm

hopefully they aren't as easy to rob as the Morrowind Vaults or banks in Red Dead Redemption.

I want pulling off a bank robbery to be a difficult operation.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:18 am

Hopefully if such a thing is implemented, it won't be easy to do.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 8:40 am

MW vanilla did not have banks, but people made mods for them. I haven't tried those mods yet. so, if it doesn't go in by the devs I am pretty sure those guys who made the bank mod will probably update one for SK.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 6:35 pm

MW vanilla did not have banks, but people made mods for them. I haven't tried those mods yet. so, if it doesn't go in by the devs I am pretty sure those guys who made the bank mod will probably update one for SK.

But they did have city vaults that was filled with riches in the vanilla version... Especially in Vivec
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 3:34 pm

But they did have city vaults that was filled with riches in the vanilla version... Especially in Vivec

true, but they did not function as a bank. but you could try too pull off a high stakes hiest. that was the first time I ever saw a storm atronach btw.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 5:52 pm

It would be awesome. It's kind of disappointing that in Oblivion all investing in stores does is increase the max amount of gold they can buy something from you for (instead of earning profits or making them carry cooler items or something more interesting).
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 6:37 pm

God yes, high-end thievery targets, so stealing is actually a viable source of income would be amazing. They should be really difficult and robbing a bank should be like a "freeform" quest, not actually in the quest log but there's actually a fair amount of AI and events built for bank robberies, like as previously mentioned banker schedules etc.

I'd also like to see some richer houses with total loot value more than 300g like every house in Oblivion.

Oh and to make stealing more "challenging" in general maybe quicksave could be disabled while trespassing, I always felt the simple "F9" solution when you get spotted really killed the immersion.
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