You said: or even passed character creation
What's your problem with character creation ???
When Hadvar asks for your identity, you'll need to take a moment to decide.
The factors that you must decide upon are: Race, Male - Female, Appearance
You said: it impossible for me to get passed the beginning of the game
probably you must lover the difficult setting for your game, and turn on the Floating Markers
Ho you do that: while in game press [ Esc ] on your keyboard -> Go to [ SETTINGS ] -> choose [ Gameplay ] and then.
- tick on Show Floating Markets to turn them on. (Will look like this: Show Floating Markers [X] ) (It will help you to see the target that you will follow)
- Change Difficulty to Novice. ( Looks like this: <] Novice [> ) (Makes the game very easy)
After that press 3 times [ Esc ] on your keyboard to return to your game.
Walk-trough Unbound part 1:
Walk-trough Unbound part 2: