we had control on how hard we hit something with stength attribute right?
Being really strong is no good if your opponent is more skilled with a blade than you are. Your extra strong super attack could just be side stepped, or perhaps you could be feinted into attacking, and then you over reach yourself, and your extra strong powerful swing leaves you unbalanced and vunerable??
First off, look at how strong and fit your average black belt is. You don't become a black belt by being a frail-boned, noodle-armed pansy.
Second, you average bloated-ego blackbelt carrying a weapon is not going to stand a chance against a Leviathan carrying an equal weapon, no matter how many jackie chan movies tell you otherwise.
Person A has 50 blunt strength but is very weak
Person B has a blunt strength of 50 also, but he is almost super-humanly strong
Who is going to strike harder with their weapon?
I agree. I've been in favor of race multipliers from the start, so an orc would always be stronger than a wood elf even if both were at 100 strength. That would eliminate this issue.
Again, being extra strong really won't help you (unless it's a sledge hammer and the other guy can't pick it up) if your opponent is a lot more skilled that you are. You can hit as hard as you like but it's not too hard to just deflect a blow, or just dodge one, provided you know what you're doing.
I think removing the attributes is a big mistake. The use of attributes instead of just having skills is that you have a pool of ability that contributes to ALL related things. For example, if you have a high strength you can still take that club you have no training in and bash someone for more damage than someone weaker than you. If you just use skills, it doesn't matter how high your Sword and Smithing skills get... your club won't do more damage as a reflection of the raw strength you've gained thanks to those other skills. It's easy to extend this to pretty much every action in an RPG.
There's a reason RPGs have attributes and skills. Unless they let skills have spillover effects to actions connected to related but different skills (and thus mimic the effects of having attributes via those skills), they've seriously hampered flexibility in character development.
Still... we won't know exactly how they compensate for the loss of attributes until we get the game into our grubby little paws, so...
But why does using an club and getting really strong suddenly make you a better swordsman?? A club wielding brute will have not have the finesse required to be an expert swordsman. With perks you get to choose that if you've spent a lot of time using clubs, then you can make clubs even better. But you won't be able to suddenly be a master swordsman.
Oh how convenient. The fact of the matter is it's a bladed object, the only skill to it is successfully hitting your target. That's why the most effective swords in the past have been once that novices can wield, and can be used in such a way that they can cut around armor. A blade is a blade, it doesn't matter if a blademaster stabs a guy in the heart, if a total novice stabs a guy in the heart just as hard, it's going to be just as lethal.
The difference here is that cutting through armor with a blade is very difficult, and it relies greatly on how hard you hit the armor, obviously strength plays into how hard you can swing an object.
You can't dismiss the skill of hitting a target so easily. Of course it doesn't matter if a blade master or a novice stabs a guy in the heart, but will a novice ever get to the point of stabbing someone in the heart (short of sneaking up on them) if they are very clumsy with the sword?? In a small battle like there is in TES, the pure strength of the swordsman won't have a lot of effect. Especially considering that with a strength of zero you can still wield the heaviest weapons in the game. So a strength of zero doesn't mean you're insanely week, it just means you're quite a bit weaker than your enemy,