/face palm
/face palm
Skyrim belongs to the Falmer.
1.) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/541833502858236844/1B847B68AFE8FF274558810A8368701C2B4140DB/
2.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541833502858240741/74D48634DBD050FAF78616804F9CF2EC17CF8864/
3.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541835583571114210/5B6F58EA01DE83724E0E55B0F5F525A3BE86DD82/
4.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844271411820/6E35AF9233F7DB7411AEA8151A97CC178BA1E864/
5.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541835583571095320/D2889517201C65AB30D567AB2A7B46CCEA210740/
6.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844271191501/CC1D89A46BBBFE3948A7BE8712E7C4E1D23E1B5C/
7.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844271838358/CAD0A8169FFB61BD7C11048C5FEE278E09286D3F/
Behold, the return of the Snow Prince!
8.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472819355383/0103EF7DA67A7BC8D79963AC9929BB4D82063CFC/
9.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472819359411/0D3DFD921C7D5EF39FC1E14F877C2DB8B9FEDB01/
10.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472819364293/34B581727D292EE72ACD51D53AC190F857D9ACC4/
11.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541834765411947036/70FA1E3D9930185BC8648EF597AB0F6DA8A7E953/
12.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541834765411954081/5BFA28E38CDB4721E2A0E4D146E090298BE122D9/
13.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541834765411961870/DEEE288D9172F931AA68722D5D3F65B7245E382C/
This Nord....
14.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541835583571057551/4ECDC41B708F16813EA0940AC62C7F275D8A04BF/
15.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844201885444/50C4B5DBFB13F5D3D5367AB56191F9426BA954B6/
16.) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541835583571072806/02A71F465A5611BD3223B3ED5D4450C01EB48612/
17.) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844201854332/D012E8A10D2582C032E6D412A79110F6EFD46195/
and this was just the intro...
For 4,000 years you have suffered from their genocide. Their wholesale relentless slaughter. The unquenchable blood-thirst of those barbarians. Those children of the enemy. Auri-El warned us to be wary of them. And what did we do? We ignore his warning, and welcome these Atmorans with open arms. Then the Night of Tears...
There are but many myths and little fact on just what happened on that faithful day. But the results of it were real. The blood-thirsty demons returned from their hell with an unyielding blood-lust. Auri-El's champion, savior and messiah of the Falmer - http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/542959956154204150/A14E4E9BF3BF20D2B8AFC672B1ADA2E17413BD9B/ he is known as. With the wildest of bad luck, he fell in battle from the most unlikely of sorts, in the most unlikely of ways. And from there on, the Falmer were as good as dead. Many fled for their lives, many stood their ground and accepted their death, and many surrendered. All of them would suffer. And the Falmer would suffer for the rest of time, from their children, http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472937216962/22F4F89F7AFA8E99C86408E4503FBD161825C516/
The Betrayed, for betrayed they were, by the treacherous, selfish Dwemer... http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844275665379/F14A51B51BB188170EF8B8410366AD4DB37A5F06/, and without proper guidance. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/541833502892275488/935AAF0D229223917EF9EE72D55F6BDDB3D4F16C/ There is but http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472937290749/B26A7F06C279D06B797E894219A40D060A91EE42/ who can http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472937233906/365959E7F7B75B994BD1A483574016B93521FACC/ Who can guide the fallen Falmer back to the http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577864844162982693/CAFD4EA6B844348F7C944F6B1746C6504F66D699/ One, who brings the Betrayed into unison and purpose...
And so, with Malacath's vengeance in his mind, and anger in his heart. The reincarnation of the Snow Prince began his http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936620586/496C3AAD5FD020BA586FE2616FAF9C7E15130371/ The ancient city... built by Falmer enslaved by Ysgramor and his devil horde. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936617262/C3660B0AF683482C8F9AB6DC5CBFD534F3108E8F/, the Nords - obsessed with fighting amongst themselves - never expected. So fierce was the attack, http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936627857/26D4FB406A2A7EDC9D8733E151398B14B25B07F1/
And the Betrayed called out to their savior: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936632751/2A667984EABCC7EDB997B8B2ADB3F22CCEFF2CCD/
And the Snow Prince http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936697176/05EC9614CFAF1702C1353F185D23129963FD5427/ for Auri-El has shown him the way. All the anger, misery, and suffering the Betrayed endured, was all but http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936725701/0587E26AEDD2DC9ECEEF0680CB9FABFBBAEA3312/
"http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936644568/1E5BC1FC0DE784B092608C067F6F05308F4859F7/ that rends travelers http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936662125/A48E8759E2B0DE6A5BF1C6E69756C12BC8019C36/ loose the very foundations of the sturdiest hall, the http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936666868/9877986291143CAE7327539E19A823C2D1222ADA/ Indeed the ice and snow did begin to http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936732011/74EC6A1CD74AD23888CDE2CF0F16533C7A7B9A99/"
That day... Auri-El shed a tear, and Sovngarde shook.
And on that note I begin to derail this thread into another 500 companion debate.
Skyrim belongs to me!
I've got the receipt to prove it!
*Katalina raises one eyebrow*
*Dons Nightingale armor*
*Sneaks in*
*Cuts prince's throat mid speech*
*Smirks and scatter the falmer with a contemptuous Fus Ro Da*
*Disappears back into the shadows*
Ulfric was hardly the Nords' mightiest.
For the Empire!
*Attempts to incinerate the Imperial upstart with a choice of lightning-based destruction spells.*
Hey, if it was my choice, I'd incinerate everyone who's not of Telvanni.
But then it'd just be me, possibly Brelyna Maryon, and Master Neloth with his subordinates. Pretty lonely.
In any event, kind've ironic that many Dunmer hate the Empire in TES: III, but are suddenly converted into boot-lickers of the Empire in TES: V, ironically after the monopolistic dictatorship loses all sources of integrity since it's now under the Medes, particularly since Titus Mede I became Emporer by simply conquering the Imperial city. I didn't like Tiber Septim and his Imperial equivalent of Manifest Destiny, but Martin's voice actor of Sean Bean at least made the Septims at least tolerable, dis-likable as the Imperials were in Morrowind.
In that case Skyrim belongs to THE EMPIRE!
Last I checked it was an Imperial province. Death to the Stormcloaks!
and super pickle was like a story i had to write in 2nd grade or first grade.. and then i switched schools mid third grade and i wrote a story about super pickle.. but it might of been 4th grade..
hehehe... and then people in presence of my life at different times after implemented resonating impressions of these similar scenareos..
Skyrim belonged to the Nords even before it belonged to the Falmer, The songs of return carry their name with a reason.
He realized the error in his ways, and that the Falmer are the true sons of Skyrim. He shall now pay his respects, and undertake the pilgrimage of the Wayshrines. For Auri-El's brilliance has illuminated his path towards enlightenment.
And so does the Dragonborn.
*points at the Snow Ponce*
Come at me, elf!
Nordic Vampire Lord Nightengale DB: ...Okay.
*dragonbone arrow to the skull out of nowhere*
As an aside, did you create your own little mission pack to play as the snow ponce? I recognize the armor, but not the helm, and that character model looks strange. And the friendly falmer.
And Leyawiin belongs to the Imperials
And the Nerevarine is going to get rid of all those filthy nwah nondunmer.
The one in that pic? It's Falmer heavy armor. It came with Dawnguard DLC. That's a Falmer Warmonger.
I used a Snow Elf race mod for the Snow Prince. It's the "vanilla" Snow Elf race that can wear any armor and become a vampire, 100%playable, etc.