I've been playing skyrim for 50 hours now, I've barely started any major questline, and still got 4 holds for me to visit. So far I'm loving the game but... There's something that's really killing the game for me, something that was implemented in Oblivion and usually modded into Morrowind, and severely contributed to my amazement and love for TES games. I talk about NPC schedules.
While in Oblivion this was really polished by Beth, this time it seems NPC have pretty random behaviours, and is not weird having people awake the whole day, some sleep at the weirdest time, and some aimlessly wander day and night, like in an unmodded Morrowind. Not only we have NPCs without any kind of schedule, like Lydia, but also, the ones who are supposed to have it behave in really weird ways: let me explain.
I just fast traveled to Markrath, 2:30 am. Well, the place in which I appeared was litterally crowded with people spreading out for some reasons. I enter the inn... the innkeeper is awake, as he always is, without substitution. The guys by the fire are still awake, and they won't move for their time being, you can check any time of the day. Lots of NPCs in lots of places have similar problems: living in an inn, insomiac, always doing the same [censored] thing... well, you get the idea.
The thing is... is this a bug I've somehow encountered or is it the way things are supposed to be? if the answer is the latter, why the [censored] did you do that, Beth? The single thing that you really nailed in Oblivion, now to waste? Night in cities doesen't seem nightly anymore, the NPCs lack any polished schedules, I can't avoid the feeling that It's a step backwards in an otherwise really good game, on pair with Morrowind in my top games ever list.
What are your thoughts on the matter? Please feel free to comment and discuss, and thak you in advance!