The reason I opened this thread is to promote an idea that I previously suggested on another community, and that so far has had some success. This idea is to have individual blogs about our experiences on Skyrim, like if it were the adventurer's journal. Those interested would write from time to time what they've been doing on Skyrim, in whatever style you want. Some will role play and write as if they were the character, others will take more distance and comment the game, graphics, sound, etc.
Consider that we are all beginning from 0, everything we write will be genuinely personnal and not just made up (unless you're waiting for the guides on wiki to show up and then go adventuring, which is up to you of course). It will be very interesting to see how many different ways there are to discover the game, and in the end you get a journal to read sometimes and say to yourself "ah, the good old times".
Creating a blog is simple. You have Blogger and WordPress, the latter being a bit more difficult to use but more unique as well.
All blogs can be found in my list here (click "view all" below the list to check them all, there's too many): http://armathyx.blogspot.com
Sorry if this sounds a bit of an unfair move from me, making my blog central, but I own the threads about blogs and it gets tiresome to update them all + my own blog with all the new blogs coming out & I'm a busy person.