The industry is very competetiv and though. If they want to stay alive and continue to make games, they must earn money. By making the game simplier and easier to grasp they appeal to a larger crowd and which will ead to bigger revenue. Today few real rpg exist simpliy because the market demands games that almost everyone can play, rpgs dont appeal to soo many people, not enough to actually make a living from it. The old-school rpg you want is dead.
There is a happy medium where a game can be made for the mainstream, and still have the needed elements for RPers. At least, for me anyway, I guess I can't speak for everyone, but the core issue for me with RPability is believability. Even if something is addressed to a small degree, that is good enough for me, so long as it is addressed, explained, integrated, whatever. The tedium of character sheets and all the other things that are slow, thought involved things in menus really isn't at the core of RP, not in my opinion. For example for this particular thread which is about character gen... as I've said before even though I like RP myself, dropping stats like attributes I think if done right can actually be an improvement or at least no worse for both mainstream and hardcoe players alike... but starting with no direction at all is totally unnecessary to cater to mainstream players now that they are dropping attributes.
Picking a class and all your majors/minors and specialties could serve to put you in a box that could be hard to get out of later, and is boring to non RP/hardcoe players sure... but now that you have developed this more user-friendly and quick system of perks, why not leverage it to still give the beginning of the game one that makes sense, is intuitive and belevable along with real life, so that both the mainstream and RPers are happy? What I mean is, the old style of chargen made you make choices that would still be impacting your capabilities at the same degree they did at the beginning of the game at the end of the game... your majors are still your majors, etc. But with perks, low level perks are more negligible than high level perks, so instead of starting as a really buff but completely stupid and inept moron as an advlt who is a jack of all trades who is completely incompetent at all trades.... why not allow us to picka small number of starting perks? Maybe even just 3-5 1st tier perks.
If you supposedly know where you were "going" to put your perks in the first 3-5 levels anyway, why can't you do it at chargen? They said the levels would go fast anyway, so its not like you are forcing anyone to "think" too much more than they otherwise would have. And if someone really is going to complain that they could have been one perk higher up a different tree after they later decide they would have liked to do their perks differently, tough. They could have run into the same problem if the progression left them deciding it in levels 1-5 instead of at chargen, and your choices are going to have the potential to gimp you even if its streamlined so long as there are choices at all.
This way, you get to actually have your character's background decided, but the perks are such low level things that it doesn't really force you into a "class" any more than picking them as you go does. I think this would make a lot of sense, and dare I say even be enjoyable and painless for the mainstream just as much as the hardcoe RPers.