I shouldn't have to. Hence the point in having options. So that someone doesn't have to come up with an excuse as to why they are being forced in some arbitrary situation, and can instead come up with a reason for taking whatever path they choose to take, including the prison option. Something like how DAO handled character beginnings but much more freeform and in-line with TES.
My point is you can't have enough options for everyone. I refused all your suggestions there, for roleplaying reasons. I use chargen mods too, if I like the starts in them. At least, with prison start, I can say it is out of my hands so this doesn't become an issue.
Sure, but that shouldn't be the only start. Not everyone should have to start out as peasant know-nothing. In fallout that worked somewhat because we were with our character from birth to being let loose and we chose our tag skills as we went through the beginning of the game. And even if they do the same thing for Skyrim, which I don't think is likely, there is still the fact that we will still be peasant know nothings regardless.
Not that that option is terrible but there should be a choice.
I advocate the choice of starting from zero or halfway too. :foodndrink: But designing a game like this for masses, I don't think anyone will choose starting from zero. So it is a silly idea. I say let's remove leveling and introduce skill atrophy which will make it really feasible but that's not a really popular idea.
Now, if you don't think it is not terrible, why are we arguing?

I just defend that, "it is not terrible". I see good value in it, let's see it firsthand.
I have no idea what you said here nor how was it was even relevant.
I meant, "it is their lore and game, they change it or not change it."
I want a skill named, "reflection" where all reflect spells are categorized so I can play my
reflector. It sounds silly, doesn't it?

And? That is the problem exactly. That it was removed from character generation. I'm not going just go "oh well okay! derp" just because NPC's still have "classes"
I just wanted to remind that. Classes aren't removed from my perspective. Classes from character creation, that one is removed. But then again, I don't see the problem about its removal either. Just a little head start...
Which shouldn't even be there.
It is lame. I agree. There are certain things we should adapt though. Inconsistent lore and everchanging gameplay is a part of this series. You should have expected it and waited for designing characters for Skyrim until you know the details about the new lore and gameplay.
Justification is irrelevant. The point is having the choice in where you start your game. Not being forced into a single arbitrary situation and then forced to come up for an excuse why our characters ended up there. There should be many options, as I came up with earlier, and why my character goes by that route I can come up with.
When you can't have enough choices, choices become irrelevant. I am forced to 6 situation now. Instead we can have one single start that is justifiable. Imprisonment is really universal.
That isn't a head start. A head start boosts you up before you're even participating in the actual meat of the game. And this doesn't even take into account the roleplaying options lost entirely.
No, it was no more than a little head start. Classes are still in the game. Its lack from an UI, when you can still play them, when NPCs have classes themselves, is not a loss of playstyles or roleplaying options.
Just think about your character before starting.
Start the game, don't look at the skill labels. Just do what that character would do. That's it. Stats are not there to dictate you. Stats are a mere reflection of what you are, it is fake and loosely accurate at best. It is nice to have a reflection to look at now and then but it shouldn't stop you from defining yourself.
This game is perfectly playable without a skill menu. No playstyles or roleplaying options are lost if they are already in the game. And there are millions of things which aren't in the game already which means millions of playstyles and roleplaying options are lost anyway. They can't have everything, we are limited by in-game things. Are there classes in game? Yes. ^_^
PS. This thread derailed into accessibility. I prefer we talk about it from hardcoe players' perspective.