I killed Sissels Parents Just To Adopt Her and I Left Her Sister In HonorHall As I Got Her a New Sister Sophia
Anyone Have Any Other Skyrim Confessions?
Funny, this reminds of http://skyrimconfessions.com/ on Tumblr with the same purpose.
I killed my wife (Aela) because the Ebony Blade told me to. Messed up my quests and I'm stuck a werewolf forever (Went Dawnguard)... NEVER listen to a Daedric Prince.
I like to give Lydia upgraded Forsworn armor.
I know right?
I once married Sylgja, then took her mother adventuring with me while making her wear the Savior's Hide. Talk about a MILF.
I stole the clothes from some hunters that were bathing in the hot springs. Then I led a pack of wolves to them.
As much as I am a Stormcloak, I can relate to this one.
I turned a guy into a sweetroll...then ate him. He was delicious.
I shouted Lydia off the throat of the world. She somehow survived and returned to me about 3 hours later. Oh, and since I couldn't kill Braith, I killed her parents and made her an orphan
-Daedric Armour is actually one of my favourite armour sets.
-I actually kind of like how corrupt and unfair Riften is, gives me that ''dark'' atmosphere I like to work on when making a backstory.
-I once killed Bryling for her Noble clothes
-I usually wait a very long time untill I get married, so that I have done more quests and more people will come to the wedding.
-I never have adopted children, but if I will then I can only see my male Nord barbarian do it.
-Paarthurnax is my homie.
-I really wish I could give a dog to Lod. Merry Christmas, smithy.
-I love the Nightingale armour but I'm not inspired to make a character who could justify joining the Thieves Guild.
-I think the Companions are really arrogant. Except for Farkas and the Whitemane, they're my homeboys.
-I find the idea of a Khajiit becoming a werewolf pretty ironic.
-Even if I am playing a thief or something, I tend not to put any points in lockpicking. It seems rather easy as it is.
-I actually find the female Nord accent rather cool. You know, like Mjoll and Gerdur have.
Let's face it, Belethor had to go. He was annoying as crap...
I like to collect useless things.
I like to beat up Serana but, I actually like her a bit.
I love Milk.
Me and the Khajiit caravaneers sometimes sneak in Dragonsreach and have a skooma party on the great porch.
I killed Hroki because I wanted her outfit.
So you killed a teenager? Atleast, I think she is.
Should have killed Mogrul for it instead.
I believe that Frost Magic is the best sub-school of Destruction in this game.