Skyrim- PC or Console?

Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:16 pm

(it was a joke) or well, attempt

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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:24 pm

PC. Not only because you can USE mods but it's fun MAKING mods. I haven't actually played the game in months because all I do is try to work on my ever expanding mod. First I started with a simple room which was fairly easy using standard items, then I altered a few items, then I started using nifscope to change a few models and am trying to learn to retexture. and had to do a little with Papyrus. Not only is it fun and creative but you learn a lot too. I'm only a begginner in all those areas but its fun. Be warned though it can really svck up all your free time.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:52 am

PC... hands down PC. You have a PC that can run it and you're considering a console version. You may need to see a doctor.

Get the Legendary Edition, it'll save you money when it comes to buying the DLC.

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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:33 pm

I have never played games on my PC before though so I'm kind of a noob, that's all. My whole logic in buying a console was for that to take over the role of playing games, but it seems from the response it was a poor choice lol.

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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:39 am

It my opinion it would be worth the extra money just to turn auto health regen off. So PC.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:29 am

You're preaching to the choir here buddy. I too am a PC noob as Skyrim is my first PC game and i gotta say... i was a complete moron for not getting Skyrim for my laptop in the first place. The mods man.. the mods. Don't go thinking it's a cake walk though, modding requires some research in order to maintain a stable experience. You'll want to get BOSS and TES5edit for starters. BOSS is rather strait forward but TES5edit will require some research to use.

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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:47 am

TBH, there's absolutely nothing wrong with playing on console. Some people prefer it that way, others cannot afford a pc (or think they can't). Some people think it will cost thousands upon thousands of dollars to build a decent gaming rig to play your games. This is not true.

This still doesn't change the fact that if you have a pc that can run the game on at least the recommended settings, that is a better way to go. Better graphics, mods, and also nobody telling you that you're not allowed to tinker with the rig you bought and paid for with your own money. This is a big reason why I stick with pc...because I don't appreciate being told what I can and cannot do with my own property.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:03 am

If one has the means, I always recommend them buying the TES and Fallout games on pc. Ever since I first played Morrowind on pc, I have bought every tes game on pc. Even if you don't like mods the unofficial patches are a must have.

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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:18 am

I could ask the opposite - Why would you? (you really don't have to answer that, I do get it why one might). Myself, an I know there are many more like me, couldn't care less about mods.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:34 am

Even if you can't get crazy mods. You'll still have access to CHIM(console commands). It is invaluable and can even fix glitches you might encounter. That reason alone should be enough.

Keep in mind, the high end friends of yours who say they have problems? I'd wager they're running several uber enhancing graphic and texture mods, on top of the other gazillion scripted mods they're running. Just keep it simple, and your PC can run mods just fine.

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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:14 pm

"Ahhh.. those graqes are probably sour anyway."

~ The Fox

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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:54 pm

Not to mention learning the Creation kit/Construction set.

And no, being a PC newb is not an excuse. I'm an utter moron when it comes to PCs, yet I'm able to self-teach myself to make basic spells, NPCs and etc. Anyone can do it. There are friendly and knowledgeable forumers to assist, and various youtube tutorials.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:09 am



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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:48 am

It's good for a playtrough or two on console, infinite on PC :wink:
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:30 am

PC no contest. And I came from ps3 to 360 to PC so I've played it on all 3.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:50 am

I know I already posted my decision but to explain a little more.

I started Skyrim on the PS3 when it came out and granted I had a lot of fun. No regrets buying it for that system. But eventually I got bored of just having the same options. On the other hand with the PC the options seem endless. I can improve the graphics to an almost reality perfect render. So many armor mods out there. character mods. immersive mods. Why pretend your character camps in the wilds when you can set up a tent and cook an evening meal over the fire you created? Console commands. oh a must have.

Plus I like to RP and share my RP through illustrated stories in the screenshot thread. not impossible to do with a console but 100 times easier to do with the PC.

Load times... 5 second load times are you kidding me? Awesome compared to the min + load times on the PS3. (not knocking the PS3)

And the cost. My PS3 cost me about $500 and my gaming computer cost me about $800 with an additional $300 in graphic card upgrade and cooling upgrades. While they don't balance out, my overhaul enjoyment on the PC is worth the cost. Still playing Skyrim several hours a day on the PC.

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:46 am

If you look at the specs for my PC, are they adequate to run Skyrim with 5-10 small mods without much FPS issues? I really want to make sure that my computer can handle these games before I go any further. But on the other hand, this thread has me thinking about making the complete cross to PC. I can probably spend another 300$ on it and make it last for a while into the next gen, plus if I don't have to pay for Xbox Live its more money in the bank for upgrades. It really seems like thee best path because my love of Halo can't keep me from Fallout and TES any longer imo.

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Trista Jim
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:16 am

You could run 205 - 210 mods with no drop in FPS.

It depends on the mod. And I'm not talking about small ones either. The truly massive and epic mods that rival any official expansion, are just about to come out.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:56 pm

PC, big time. Mods is an obvious reason, but my personal main reason for going for PC is the console: because sometimes the game just breaks in ways only a good command can fix.

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emma sweeney
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:23 am

Wow, that's amazing! I wasn't really sure that my PC would be sufficient at all but that news is great. I think that with that confirmation, plus the sweet bonus of console commands, the deal is sealed. Steam seems to be the way to go, because the new generation of consoles seem to be ready to unleash a new wave of BS upon us. Not that steam doesn't do it already, but my Xbox wouldn't ever have a feature like the Steam Workshop, or giant sales. My whole problem is that my friends keep telling me that my computer is balls and needs giant upgrades. They are dedicated PC gamers and invest plenty of cash into their machines, so I thought that I really stood no chance. That mindset was helped along by people telling me how expensive it is to game on PC. I'm just wondering, will PC's like mine be surpassed by the new generation of consoles, or will they just equal my computer?

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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:07 am

That is true also. Here's the link to the, it has easy to follow tutorials on modding.

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Da Missz
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:37 am

Your computer seems weak though. i5 is a bit weak, 4 gigs ram is a bit weak, and if you have those two your graphics card can't be much better.

I started out Skyrim with a laptop of such powers. It was quite laggy and all but even then I would never, ever have considered getting the console version. PC Skyrim is simply superior in every way even if you lag a bit. And of course if you don't mind playing on lesser graphical settings you can get ~20-25 FPS if you do things right.

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Jani Eayon
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:50 am

It's true that his computer may not be optimum but he should have no problem running a nice variety of mods. My own system is probably about as weak. My 2007-era computer specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo 3200MHz
Bad Axe 2 D975XbX2 motherboard
4 gigs RAM
GeForce 9800 GTX+ (1 gig)
Creative X-Fi Xtreme audio
Dell 3007WFP 30" LCD 2560 x 1600

Currently I'm using about 100 mods. My game runs fine, no stutter that I can notice. Few CTDs or freezes (I'd guess maybe one every 20 to 30 hours, which I consider not bad for a modded game). Personally I agree with Senor Cinco: he should be fine.

That said, he will probably find that he has to pick and choose which mods he uses. He will most likely have to do some experimentation to discover which combinations of mods work well on his computer. He'll end up doing some 'cost-benefit anolysis' to balance features he wants next to the kind of performance he can live with. But, from what I hear, that also applies to many owners of high-end computers as well.

So I say to the OP, go for it! :)

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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:16 am

I'll be honest here, I have basically a base laptop running on low setting and have had no problems with mods and I'm in the forties right now. Gaming computer will have to wait. All I'm missing out on is high res graphics and such. The game recommended medium for me but everything was too clunky, even at 4 gig ram so I had to drop it down. Mods should not be a problem with your rig OP.

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:56 am

Way to devalue my opinion about mods as mere "sour graqes''. Some people disagree with you and others that like them, and find mods to be more trouble than they're worth. As an advlt, you need to find a way to deal with that fact, other than being dismissive about their opinion.

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