So I very recently finished a playthrough of Fallout New Vegas, and I decided to get back into Skyrim. Trouble is, I sold my Xbox 360 edition a while back when I needed some cash. Now my situation is, I can get a console version of the game very cheaply, but if I buy it for 30$ on Steam I can mod my game and basically have fun forever (in theory). Is it worth the extra 15$ on PC for mods, or is the experience on console good enough to suffice? Please advise because whenever I purchase a game I don't do so again for a while. Also, if there are any benefits I didn't mention for either platform could you tell me, because that would go a long way towards making my decision. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel® Core i5 CPU
Card name: Intel® HD Graphics
Memory: 4096MB RAM
This is why I'm worried, some of my friends have VERY high end computers and report issues when running certain mods. If I can't mod my game without serious frame drops then I'm sticking to console. Please advise!! (I know that the 4096 RAM translates to 4 Gigabytes, that's just the format my computer offered)
Edit Again: How easy does Steam make it to download mods with their Steam Workshop feature? Thanks for taking the time out your day to answer my many questions.