But imagine that like with morrowind, the construction kit would be packed with Skyrim in a special edition...would you get it?
Like any special edition, it would probably be around $10//20% more expensive.
It'd contain all BSA files unpacked and the first edition of the construction kit (CK) like Morrowind had (as it's likely it'll get updated it's possible a newer CK will be released later)
It might entice some more people to modding, but at the other hand it's basically not necessary with all BSA extraction methods and the fact the construction kit is up-to-date when you get it online at the wiki.
It's possible to argue that it's necessary to unpack with the new editor or that the editor might even allow it itself, but lets assume that's not the case

So what do you think? Would you get it ?
The mod tools would still be provided via web for free as well in this idea of course. It'd just be something extra you could get. I just like the idea as in you can get a special edition for 'modders', not as in 'only if you want to mod you've got to get it'.