Crashes are straight to the desktop with no lag, blue screen, or buzzing sound.
So was playing my Breton Mage and there's a 50% chance when I kill (or my summons, or my companion) a magic npc Skyrim crashes. Which means I have to save everytime I'm lucky and gamble each time I kill a magic npc.
Then I try and marry Aranea Lenith, but the second I schedule for the wedding.....Skyrim crashes.....
So I hop over to my Argonian Thief do a few companion quests but when handing in the first Wuuthrad peice (offically becoming a part of the Companions) it crashes when I finish the quest......
Then I tried my Orc Warrior and it crashed when I killed a vampire doing a Dawnstar quest.
I really have no idea where to begin with this. This was days after I had installed any mods and done various things with these characters with no problems.