Hello everyone, I have a very important question, when I open the map inside a castle mod, my game closes out every time and I been trying for weeks now to fix this, can someone please tell me why this happens?
Hello everyone, I have a very important question, when I open the map inside a castle mod, my game closes out every time and I been trying for weeks now to fix this, can someone please tell me why this happens?
You haven't really provided much information. Which castle mod? Have you tried contacting that mod's author? Are you using any map mods? etc.
No map mods, castle mods have caused this and no idea what causes these crashes opening the map in the in a castle will close my game out that makes no sense. Why would I ask the author, he wouldn't know.
You still haven't said which Castle mod. Searching Nexus for "Castle" brings back over 90 mods. If the castle is in a new worldspace rather than the existing worldspace in Skyrim, then that could be part of the issue (just guessing here). But if it only happens when you try to access the map when you're in the castle added by whatever mod you're using, then it sounds like it might be an issue with the mod, and thus the mod author would be the place to start with troubleshooting. Did you leave a comment on the mod discussion thread on Nexus (or Steam)? Did you read the comments there to see if other users are having this issue, and if so, if they were able to resolve it? Do you have the log enabled to give crash messages?
It happens in all my house mods, so im not going to even waste time asking the author because im pretty sure he don't know what's wrong with my map closes my game all the way everytime I go in a house, castle, etc, It's not one mod, it's every mod I use and open the map inside the mod, it's like no one knows this issue I looked on many forums, sites and not one person knows a dang thing about this.
A large chunk of the reason why you're not getting many answers is because you're not providing much information. As Avilyn pointed out, searching the Nexus for "Castle" comes back with 90 mods. Your original post didn't say anything about running house mods in addition to castle mod(s), so without knowing which mods are running, trying to sort out which mod is not playing nicely in the sandbox is almost impossible. My first idea would be that you've got mods with conflicting worldspaces in there somewhere, which would definitely not play nicely with a vanilla or modded map, but without solid info, that's just a best guess.
None of us is psychic. If we were, we'd have already won the lottery and we'd be sipping drinks with umbrellas in them on a beach somewhere while working on our tans. We're asking for more info because that's what's needed to help solve your problem.
We're happy to help - but post your mod load order so we can help!
Okay I provide information, when im in any house throughout the game, dlc, mods, etc my map closes my game every time im inside a place no matter if it's a mod or not. I have all 3 dlcs and can't open the map inside a place in dlc and inside main places in skyrim, so something tells me that I have huge problem, because I never came across any errors till this time. My mods are Castle Genesis, Castle Sovereign, Ravensburg Castle Lurking in the shadows and that's all of my mods, not many at all.
- Have you ever downloaded any map mods at any point, even if you're not using them now?
- Have you ever used and then uninstalled a mod and continued with the same save game?
- Have you verified your game cache integrity in Steam? If any files have been corrupted that'll redownload them.
- Have you used BOSS to sort your load order and read the BOSS report to see if there are any known issues with the mods you're using?
- Have you used TES5Edit to clean your mods?
- Does it work if you try starting a new game with a new character? Try doing this as a test.
- Nope
-Load order won't matter because I only have 3 mods, no other mods at all.
-TESEDIT nope, and that won't help because each castle mod I use is cleaned with TES edit, the author does that.
-Yes it works when I start a new game, but the map don't work inside places at all.
-So idk from this point, I never seen this, and this happening svcks for me.
It doesn't work on a new game when you're inside?
If you start a new game but have all the mods disabled, does it then work?
The old trick to troubleshooting is to disable mods one at a time until the issue goes away- but you shouldn't disable any mod and continue with the same save game.
When were your mods made? It would have been helpful if you'd have linked directly to the mod download page so we don't need to go out of our way to find them... If the mods were made (even partially) using Snip or very early versions of Tes5Edit, then records could be corrupted which could cause havoc with your game.
Not necessarily related to this issue, but load order may matter even with only 3 mods, depending on the changes the mod makes - and even if a mod looks as though it's compatible with other mods, all it takes is a dirty edit and an incorrect load order...
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25313/? Castle Genesis, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25462/? Castle Ravensburg Lurking in the shadows, nothing wrong with this exact mod, it might be Castle Genesis because that's a W.I.P mod, and the last mod is Castle Sovereign http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19208/? So it may be one of these castles, but not lurking in the shadows.
I found out the problem, it was the work in progress mod, which is castle Genesis. So thanks for all your help peeps!
Hi there, glad you have managed to sort things out!
One thing I have noticed is that if I try to use a mod that is too much for my PC to handle (I have a good 2Gb graphics card, but only average RAM and CPU - 4Gb RAM and a Phenom II 3.40GHz CPU) then I tend to experience crashing when opening or closing the map. Often the worst culprits for giving my PC more than it can take are housing mods - ones that either add a lot of items to an exterior cell, or ones that have large interiors with a lot of things in them. I find even modest sized player housing can be an issue (stuttering and CTDs when trying to use the map or other user interface pages) if it is very 'busy' with lots of harvestable plants, clutter, and NPCs. I've had a look at the mod you were using and far smaller housing mods have caused problems for me, when they contain a lot of individual references for objects either in the exterior or a large interior cell.
So if your PC spec is about the same or less than mine, that could be the reason behind the issue, rather than something in the mod itself (other than it contains too much 'stuff' for your PC to cope with well).
Well I can tell you it was a W.I.P mod, also my graphics card is NVidia G force, so my graphics can run on the highest resolution, I have a 12 gb ram 18 tb memory, I built this computer myself, my computer over powers a lot of computers out, there and it only cost me 2500-3000 to build it, so I was very happy, when I figured out the problem. Hey thanks for the advice though!