Skyrim Creation Kit: Disappearing walls & Objects need h

Post » Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:27 am

so i've duplicated the Falkreth Jarls lodge, taken everything i don't need out and put things like blacksmith, enchanter, arcane, kids beds, kitchen & storage. i save it and close down
next time i open it: half the house and/or furniture are missing???
i haven't had CK for long at all but in that time i haven't found anything on how to fix this problem
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Post » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:56 pm

Sounds like a room bound issue. If you copied a vanilla cell, and added anything to it that is outside the room bounds, then it will not render correctly in game.

To check if this is the issue, load your mod in the CK. Open your cell in the render window, then on the task bar, click view, click Show/Hide Window, tick portals and rooms. If a large blue box appears around part of your cell that is the room bound and anything outside of that box will not render in game. To solve it you can either delete the room bound or create new ones with portals connecting them. explains what they do, and explains how to create them.

Hope that answers your question.

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Connor Wing
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Post » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:19 pm

i haven't got any markers or portals. only the door that links it to the outside world. theres no big blue box or anything.

i'm not really sure what a vanilla is (i don't have any Vanilla mods if that's what you mean?)

once i try to get inside the house in game there is only the half the house as well. theres nothing to run into so the objects are litterally no longer there and i can fall through the empty spaces and re-spawn

hopefully this link works. here's some pictures

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Post » Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:26 am

Not sure why those things are not rendering. Are you testing on an existing save in which you have already been in that cell in game? From the look of your character in game it looks as though you are testing on an existing save. Have you tried using the console to coc into your cell from the main menu?

Also the changes not showing in the CK is also quite curious. I have no explanation other than the file somehow got corrupted.

An asset used by the original game which has not been altered is considered vanilla.

EDIT: Just copied the same cell, but did not make any changes, coc'ed from the main menu and everything was in place as it should be.
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rolanda h
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Post » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:20 pm

ahh i've figured it out!

i wasn't setting my plugin as the active file!

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