Doesn't even come close to touching TES series. It's a shame DS has to piggyback off of TES/Skyrim/Bethesda's names.
Wait, how is Dark Souls piggybacking off Bethesda again? I can understand IGN mining for hits, but don't blame From Software for some journalist's opinion piece.
Dark Souls will very likely by amazing, and I've had it preordered for months. It's open world, but more in the gated, metroidvania style than a seamless open world like TES.
Am I anticipating Skyrim more? Of course, but then I always anticipate a new TES game more than anything else. The sheer potential of the series is something that no other developer even strives for, and even if the actual games don't 100% live up to that potential, they still offer experiences that are of a fairly unmatched scope.