If you prefer hard copy that's fine, but it still doesn't make sense to not buy the game just because it requires Steam. I don't think anybody who doesn't like Steam should have to worry though, because the reason companies usually make there games run through steam is so that the game can use Steam's multi-player services, which are really good and cost effect to the game developers, since Skyrim is a single player game only, and wasn't made using the Source engine, it wouldn't make any sense for it to require Steam. However they will still sell it on Steam just like MW and OB, so I'm definitely going to buy it off there.
Edit: If you think Steam is annoying just try to get a PC game to work that requires a xbox live account. Microsoft games seriously makes you log into xbox live to play computer games. It's the most annoying and [censored] thing in the world. It took me three months to get Red Faction: Guerrilla to work on my PC.