Post » Sun May 15, 2011 4:03 am

Probably, though that's about the same as saying that something's the best pet rental company in the world. It's a service in which I'm not even the tiniest bit interested.

If you prefer hard copy that's fine, but it still doesn't make sense to not buy the game just because it requires Steam. I don't think anybody who doesn't like Steam should have to worry though, because the reason companies usually make there games run through steam is so that the game can use Steam's multi-player services, which are really good and cost effect to the game developers, since Skyrim is a single player game only, and wasn't made using the Source engine, it wouldn't make any sense for it to require Steam. However they will still sell it on Steam just like MW and OB, so I'm definitely going to buy it off there.

Edit: If you think Steam is annoying just try to get a PC game to work that requires a xbox live account. Microsoft games seriously makes you log into xbox live to play computer games. It's the most annoying and [censored] thing in the world. It took me three months to get Red Faction: Guerrilla to work on my PC.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 3:02 pm

... what are some deal breakers for you. if i get enough ideas ill make a poll....

The only deal breaker would be an excessive DRM. Things like if you need to be on-line to play (vs just on line to register) and if it loaded spyware on my computer.

I hate Stream, but that would not be a deal breaker.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:47 pm

I would have to be dead to not purchase Skyrim. Or insane. ... Perhaps one then the other.

Even then... I'll probably shout "Challenge accepted!" and resurrect as an undead creature, preferably a lich or bonethief.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:55 am

The biggest thing is the system for fighting/ hits. I didn't like the way it was done in Morrowind, and I never got all the way through the game because I'd swing my sword so many times and hardly get anywhere. As long as they don't go back to that again, I'm pretty sure I'll like it. Oblivion's style is the one I liked best, and I'm hoping they don't change it too much from the style in Oblivion. Of course, there is always room for improvement, and I hope they change the right things....

I'll still buy it, though. I never let other people's opinions decide for me, if I haven't seen it for myself. :D
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 4:35 pm

The only real deal breaker I can think of, would be that it requires FPS reflexes and hand/eye coordination to be playable--and I consider that highly unlikely.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:14 am

The only reason I wouldn't at least pick up the game and try it if there was..... err.. i dunno really.

Bugs and major flaws must be complained about though.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 7:34 pm

It must be available and up-datable from Steam.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 6:34 pm

Not want to play?

A non-epic storyline, involving Sean Bean
A lack of levitation
Ugly characters
Removal of multiple armor pieces
Uncostumizable (lul) magic system

Also, I'd really hate if Skyrim were just to puke a bunch of cool stuff out, then have it over in like 20 hours...
That seems to be the trend with games these days. I want to be able to sit in my room for 3999 years playing it.

But really, that's just stuff that would make me not want to PLAY it. I'm still going to buy it, no matter what.

You leave Sean Bean out of this, Boromir is a bro-omir.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:21 am

There could be no deal breaker for me for Skyrim. I mean, it's an Elder Scrolls game! With dragons!

That being said, I understand the level of scrutiny that Bethesda gets for these games now. Because with each new game the expectations grow, and they produce SUCH high quality games that it leads to people complaining about things they wouldn't have even considered in the past.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:49 pm

I trust Bethesda to make an awesome game, they have never disappointed me. So at this point there are no deal-breakers for me with Skyrim... :tes: (...unless TES ever goes online. Then my love affair with the series shall come to an abrupt halt. :sad: )
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 2:00 pm

I trust Bethesda to make an awesome game, they have never disappointed me. So at this point there are no deal-breakers for me with Skyrim... :tes: (...unless TES ever goes online. Then my love affair with the series shall come to an abrupt halt. :sad: )

What do you me by Online? If they make it an MMO?
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:10 pm

(...unless TES ever goes online. Then my love affair with the series shall come to an abrupt halt. :sad: )

Hmm, I guess I do have one deal breaker. But it won't happen for Skyrim luckily.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 7:15 am

No 1st person perspective. I just can't play in 3rd person. It's why I don't play many video games apart from TES - most don't allow you to use 1st person.

But there's no way Skyrim will be 3rd person perspective only, so there's no reason for me not to buy the game! :celebration:
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:50 pm

The biggest thing is the system for fighting/ hits. I didn't like the way it was done in Morrowind, and I never got all the way through the game because I'd swing my sword so many times and hardly get anywhere. As long as they don't go back to that again, I'm pretty sure I'll like it. Oblivion's style is the one I liked best, and I'm hoping they don't change it too much from the style in Oblivion. Of course, there is always room for improvement, and I hope they change the right things....

I'll still buy it, though. I never let other people's opinions decide for me, if I haven't seen it for myself. :D

yup me and you have the same deal breaker.. the combat system in morrowind made me so this day i still cant finish morowind because i hate fighting in it the combat system is just awful
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Stryke Force
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 4:05 pm

Steam is perfectly good as a digital game store & distribution method. I've used it before, and will again.

However, using an online service that you repeatedly have to access, to provide copy protection for a non-online, single player, purchasable in a physical store on physical media, game..... is somewhat absurd. (Not as bad as Ubi-soft's joke of a DRM system of the last few years, but it's up there).

Copy protection schemes need to be balanced between "inconveniences pirates" and "inconveniences legal users". The true high-level pirates won't be stopped by anything. (Ubisoft's draconian system was cracked within a week). But totally open releases have shown that lazy people will download stolen software just because. So yeah, you need some level of DRM. But even a basic level will stop the "casual" pirates.

Crazy high end DRM systems that screw up stuff for legitimate users only really exist to make the shareholders and company board feel good.

(And then there's the minor issues - like, automatic patching via Steam, instead of being able to install the patch you want. Example, one of the Fallout 3 patches broke modding. At which point, everyone using mods reverted their FO3 installs to an earlier patch. Which they could do, because it wasn't autopatched by some online system. Another issue is the paranoia of "but Steam can go out of business/go crazy/get hacked/whatever, and I won't be able to run my game! I still run decade+ old games on older systems because I just need the disk for copy protection! Someday I won't be able to run my Steam games! " :ahhh: )

So yeah... there's a number of issues there.

Personally, I'm really not a fan, but it didn't stop me from getting FO:NV (which used the stupid Steam system). So it's not a "dealbreaker" for me. Just a major disappointment.


Yeah, that one would have a good chance of me skipping it. If I'm going to play an RPG that can't be screwed with, I'd rather go for something more linear with a stronger plot/story/acting/etc.

thank you finally someone answered that lol ok i understand now i didnt want to start a thread over such a simple question..
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:45 pm

If they list Fable 2 or 3 under thier inspiration for gameplay i'll be more hesitant.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 3:07 pm

I'm going to buy it before i read any reviews anyway, so it won't matter.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:01 pm


Another issue is the paranoia of "but Steam can go out of business/go crazy/get hacked/whatever, and I won't be able to run my game! I still run decade+ old games on older systems because I just need the disk for copy protection! Someday I won't be able to run my Steam games! " :ahhh:

[quote name='Kiralyn2000' timestamp='1300633054' post='17348740']

Steams never going to go out of business for financial reasons, just about the only thing that could make it go out of business at this point is the end of the world. Steam getting hacked won't make it so you can't play your game, beacuse it will survive. However getting your account hacked can, but they have a really good security system, so that most likly won't happen, but if it does, it's really easy to get your accont back. I have no idea why you think hard copies will last longer then a digital version. CD's corrode, get scratched or become obsolete. A digital copy is technically immortal. By the time the digital copy is incompatible ALL copies will be incompatible. Those fears are unfounded. However I do agree it makes no sense to have a single player only game that is not made by Value, or a Steam exclusive, to require Steam. I personally don't think it will, and if it does you guys have nothing to worry about.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 3:55 pm

Steams never going to go out of business for financial reasons

ALCO (American Locomotive Company) was one of the largest producers of steam locomotives in America. They went out of business to a small company that never manufactured locomotives, nor even the streetcars they sold. "The big three" American locomotive companies, of which ALCO was included in, were demolished by a small company because they had no experience with building locomotives. No one saw that happening, but it did.

Never say never, some small company that has no experience in an industry might just come out of nowhere and flip it upside down.

And steam exlusive is a deal breaker for me as well. Its a great option, but if I have to use it for retail disks I won't buy it.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:59 pm

I'm going to buy it whether it's terrible or not, I expect only good things from bethesda. The one thing that would make it not fun, at least after a long time, is if skyrim has fallout style onesies.
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Code Affinity
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 9:10 pm

ALCO (American Locomotive Company) was one of the largest producers of steam locomotives in America. They went out of business to a small company that never manufactured locomotives, nor even the streetcars they sold. "The big three" American locomotive companies, of which ALCO was included in, were demolished by a small company because they had no experience with building locomotives. No one saw that happening, but it did.

Never say never, some small company that has no experience in an industry might just come out of nowhere and flip it upside down.

And steam exlusive is a deal breaker for me as well. Its a great option, but if I have to use it for retail disks I won't buy it.

ALCO going out of business was inevitable, because they don't use steam locomotion anymore. Steam provides a service that is in demand, and will always be in demand as long as we are in the digital age. They are also not a public domain business so they can't be bought out. Also Bethesda would NEVER make it so you can only buy it on Steam, which is what Steam exclusive means. They would lose hundreds of millions of dollars because some people like to buy form stores or other direct download companies.
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anna ley
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:08 pm

Steams never going to go out of business for financial reasons, just about the only thing that could make it go out of business at this point is the end of the world. Steam getting hacked won't make it so you can't play your game, beacuse it will survive. However getting your account hacked can, but they have a really good security system, so that most likly won't happen, but if it does, it's really easy to get your accont back. I have no idea why you think hard copies will last longer then a digital version. CD's corrode, get scratched or become obsolete. A digital copy is technically immortal. By the time the digital copy is incompatible ALL copies will be incompatible. Those fears are unfounded. However I do agree it makes no sense to have a single player only game that is not made by Value, or a Steam exclusive, to require Steam. I personally don't think it will, and if it does you guys have nothing to worry about.

If Steam is declared a monopoly it could be forced to be broken up

ALCO going out of business was inevitable, because they don't use steam locomotion anymore. Steam provides a service that is in demand, and will always be in demand as long as we are in the digital age. They are also not public domain business so they can't be bought out. Also Bethesda would NEVER make it so you can only buy it on Steam, which is what Steam exclusive means. They would lose hundreds of millions of dollars because some people like to buy form stores or other direct download companies.

I personally use the term "Steam exclusive" to mean that there is no other option but to use the service like New vegas is Steam exclusive on the PC. no matter the distribution method steam is there.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 12:06 pm

If Steam is declared a monopoly it could be forced to be broken up

It won't be declared a monopoly as long as you can get games in stores and online (as in buying hard copies online).
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 9:34 pm

ALCO going out of business was inevitable, because they don't use steam locomotion anymore. Steam provides a service that is in demand, and will always be in demand as long as we are in the digital age. They are also not public domain business so they can't be bought out. Also Bethesda would NEVER make it so you can only buy it on Steam, which is what Steam exclusive means. They would lose hundreds of millions of dollars because some people like to buy form stores or other direct download companies.

It happened because of the sudden invention of diesel-electric locomotives, and not because they couldn't build them or refused to build them, but because their business practices were impractical for diesel electric locomotives. All of the big three died out within a few years. It was by no means inevitable, it was only their business practices that ruined them.

Same could end up for steam, somehow. It could be a revolutionary DRM combined with other tools for use by developers that provides the same service as steam, but in a better way.
Now im not exactly here to devise a revolutionary alternative to steam to eventually kill it, im just here to argue that it could happen. Revolutionary things like this are so hard to predict...
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 7:25 pm

1. Bad writing
2. No choices-consequences at all
3. Broken RPG system
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