If it still used Gamebryo that will probably be a deal breaker for me
i know they said they are using a "brand new engine" but it wouldn't be the first time a dev has lied
if it comes out and it turns out and it uses a slightly tweaked Gamebryo that they call brand new with the same problems as oblivion/fallout then my money will be going elsewhere
i know my post will not be popular but after all the crap Crytek & IW have pulled recently i cant really trust what a dev says till the game is out and in the hands of consumers
Sadly, its just a re-branded modified gamebryo engine which is a VERY big negative for me. The only reason they called it a NEW engine was because a very large response to the announcement of skyrim was "oh, please don't be using that old gamebyro engine", "Think I will avoid this if its using the same engine", "gamebyro is ancient, create a new engine bethesda!" etc..etc.. on most gaming news forums. Its 100% pure PR BS to svcker reluctant people into buying it, it isn't the first time that bethesda has flat out lied about their games to get a sell. Honestly, just watching the trailer told me it was still the gamebyro engine, oblivion looked just as good and the little bit of NPC action/movements are EXACTLY the same from oblivion. So, I am really saddened that I will have to suffer through gamebyro once again, it might look prettier and run a little better, but it wills still have a bunch of left over warts and possibly some new ones.
However, that isn't a deal breaker, just a big negative. Another huge negative is that if the games feels dumbed down, even fallout, while better, felt pretty dumbed down in character interaction wise, I want to actually have some dialog besides just quest related stuff. Sadly, bethesda isn't known now for their great character interactions. Still not a deal breaker.
Overall, I will get this probably, HOWEVER, I will NOT be buying it on release day. The deal breaker is DLC! Sorry bethesda, I stopped buying games a while back that have DLC(you got me with fallout, learned my lesson), I just can't stand to feel like I am getting an incomplete game. I will probably borrow a friends copy to play, but I will not buy the game till the GOTY edition with all DLC is released. I have not bought fallout new vegas yet for this reason and I will not be buying Skyrim for the same reason.