The delay would be a very poor move. Missing black friday and holiday sales would be pretty devastating.
tbh, that was a pathetic article, he didnt even give reasons or anything. Basically I saw more of "I think Skyrim and Saints Row III will get delayed"
And oh yes I could tell just by reading the article it was based purely on the editor's speculation. It seems like they have nothing to really write about so to create some traffic they bullsh*t an article to generate some potential ad clicks on their website.
lol... :lmao: Why do people take very amateur journalism like this particular "article" as 100% infallible truth because "itz on teh intewebzzz!!11!" :thumbsdown:
That was a complete joke and waste of space of an article.
Well I don't think they had a set date but it was supposed to be released at the end of 2005 very close to the launch of the 360. But they ended up delaying it until March.
I believe this was down to fact that they were given the final build of the 360 very late, and needed a little extra time to settle the game within the hardware.
Let's just hope that Todd is confident with his date.
4 months away and what they have shown us so far looks awesome. If it gets delayed, it's because they found a major gamebreaking bug about 2 weeks from the release date.
That article is the biggest load of crap i've ever seen. It's the same thing as me saying "That guy's name could be John, because he's a guy". The worst part about the article is that they call it "news". Last time I checked, news was about something that happened, no something that could happen.
8:26 There are a bunch of people who are doubting you about this release date thing. This whole 11.11.11. How committed are you to this number here? Do you feel pretty good about it right now?
"We definitely do, yeah. I mean if you know us, we actually tend not to announce release dates until later in the process....we're very confident about it. There's still a lot to do in the game. But we wouldn't have announced it if we weren't really confident." -Todd Howard