Skyrim DLC Idea'

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:24 am

Alright, so I know its a bit early but I can't stop thinking about DLC possibilities, but first I think I must state, that the oblivion dlc was poor, and I wouldn't suggest going in the same direction again. Ofc I didnt purchase all of them, but from what I did play meh, (mehrunes razor, orrery, tower, stronghold and the ship or w/e) The Shivering Isles wasn't bad... Wasn't great through, nor would I even say good, but Sheogorath gets on my nerves...
Anyways my point: Go in a different direction, We've been to Oblivion, The Shivering Isles, Morrowwind, Cyrodiil, and what ever other daedric realms/ provinces of tamerial you've taken us too, I think as probably one of the most seasoned gamers in the known world I speak for the majority of gamers, You've given us something great, but it could be fantasic. But that would mean bolding going where no man has gone before. SO:

Btw feel free to add ideas, if inspired by the following question: What would you like to fight, in first "The Elder Scroll's" gameplay style, that you haven't before?

I saw another post on another site as i googled in search of this one about a possible story where the legendary dragonborn taked with exploring a new smaller continent/group of isles of Nirn but gets shipwrecked on arrival and must seek and befriend the unknown natives of this land. Now I had my own idea. Sea Serpents, I haven't been able to fight under water as I think it was removed/never ment to be, but I bet that is do-able. This is obviously expansion material, and I would think a great way to delve into both old/new unexplored TES myth/legend. This would be at a tropical location, obviously, full of pirates, uncivilized natives(perhaps some more then others), sea beasts(Hydra, Sea Serpants, Kraken/Giant Squid and a Medusa-like figure) and a volcano :)?

My second idea, I have never heard it mentioned in TES universe. But does the Phoenix exsist? What is the story there? Volcano? Somewhere else? With a phoenix rising out of it :) Im assuming there is either one phoenix or fairly small number in this story. The phoenix story has alot of potential for exploring lands not explored, im thinking High Rock must have a phoenix or two there(One phoenix matron, and her offspring) :wink_smile: perhaps phoenix aren't supposed to live long enough to give birth, but :wink_smile:

Another idea involves a Akatosh scenario, where Akatosh returns in his Dragon Avatar form and this time, corrupted by something older then hmmself, prehaps The Elder Scroll of the End itself? No clue how many there are or what they do but its an idea. Could be Sithis, could be Daedra plot that is for once actually collaberated between the Princes. Remember the scrolls foretell everything. Peryite could be a substitute, both are depicted as a dragon both would be following the current theme I beleive?

Golem's? Nope been done one too many times. Centaur/Centaur steed? Would be cool. A steed you could actually arm :) Gargoyles, protectors of some city? :) Just afew ideas of many lemme know what you think
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hannah sillery
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:25 pm

Holy hell, a DLC thread not mentioning the Dwemer..

Thank you, OP. Thank you.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:00 pm

shivering isles was the best thing ever just because you could have a chat with sheogorath

there is no mention of a phoenix in the lore

my ideas: charter boats to travel the sea of ghosts, with many islands and island nations that are explorable (this would include new weaopons, locations, items, apperal, and also fix bethesda's mistake of not letting us compose and play our own music), that is the best expansion i could think of, it is sorta like yours but smaller (maybe an add-on to yours :o )
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Jah Allen
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:47 am

The Opening battles of the Great war two! A vision of TES VI!
With as a soundtrack!
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sam smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:56 pm

Holy hell, a DLC thread not mentioning the Dwemer..

Thank you, OP. Thank you.

And he didn't mention going back to morrowind or oblivion either.

I'm expecting pigs to start flying now.
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Jason King
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:49 am

I'm just tired of doing the same quest over and over, game through game. I mean where is the one place you can fight a dragon, a werewolf, a vampire, a rabbit or a pack of wolves. Ain't in real life i'll tell you that much lol. Or a sea serpent... wouldn't that be awesome? Also obviously... No fireballs under water... it just doesn't make sense... if video games are the only place we call kill a phoenix. let it be so I say!
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