» Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:07 am
please Bethesda, please include some high level areas to continue the challenge after lvl 70 +, and for the love of god force me out of my comfort zone, at that level i can just walk through with a 2h sword, which is nice, but why should i bother to sneak through a dungeon if i can just cut my way through? hmmm but for the most part its still great. I guess i just want a good DLC expansion that shows us what's happening outside of skyrim. some post-main story stuff that will get me thinking about the tes future
Ps. - Who else would like to see enemies that arent effected by our perks? or potions/events that let us re-invest a perk point, delete an assigned perk and put it elsewhere (for those oon consoles who made a bad perk choice or 2) and and monsters who remind us we are still mortal
I love bethesda, i couldnt do a better job, but i think they are definately on the forums, they are definately listening and im glad. I'd really like to see bethesda make a poll for us to encourage ideas they may or may not choose to take note of, and i dont mean bug fixes of which their already aware, i mean content thats fresh and reviving!