Skyrim DLC - PVP Arena System

Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:37 pm

I like the idea...whats the point of being an unbeatable bad ass..if you can show off...
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Misty lt
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:04 pm

This thread has been derailed.

The original post I put up was purely to discuss pvp in a controlled environment i.e. in an arena setting (as a side minigame), not MP as seen in MMO games that would deter from the SP expierence.

Thread closed thanks.

TES is not designed (and hopefully will never be) to have a multiplayer part

just wait until bioware will release ME3 (a 20 hour hallway/rail shooterrpg)
then you will see what "adding Multiplayer" does to a singleplayer rpg.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:58 pm


If you didn't notice, in TES the whole world evolves around you.
NPC reacts and responds from your race, look, class, your actions, history and everything. Go close to any npc and they start focusing on you. This is how this game makes you feel like a hero.

In multiplay, this obviously isn't gonna work. They aren't gonna talk randomly about dragons you killed, because the other guy may not have killed the same dragon.
This results in boring, unresponsive universe that doesn't care about the action you gave, and generic MMO NPC that tells you the same story and gives you the same response since you were lvl1.

EVEN if you are only looking for a very contained arena just for a duel, this means ripping down the whole skill system and isolating speechcraft, lockpicking and other RP skills in the name of mutiplayer balance, and preventing all console commands and mods to safeguard you from multiplayer god mod hax. This will tear down what Bethesda has built and community loves. Please don't turn this into WoW.

In a simple, short answer, no.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:28 am

I would like a place where you could sell/ stuff to others, I have 100 smithing, i could sell dragon bone armor, my friend is good with enchanting, i could trade him my daedric armor, he could enchant it and i could give him some high level armor. That would be amazing
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:20 am

Todd has said over and over and over, there will NEVER be any type of multiplayer for TES games.

Get over it people.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:48 am

I might be down for it if it were just an arena. That'd be cool. I don't want some other player marching around Skyrim with me atm. MMORPG type players would just spoil my fun. Sorry. :P

Also, I don't remember Todd ever saying "never." Iirc, he said they hadn't figured out a way to do it without sacrificing too much.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:59 am

Well it won't happen in Skyrim because of technical issues.I'm no expert on that subject but form what I do know it would be a fair deal of work.Plus Todd Howard has expressed his feelings on the subject already. He would rather make the single player games Bethesda is doing and has no interest in adding multiplayer.

Personally I'm fine with no MP, that's not what I play RPGs for, especially not Bethesda ones.

Did you actually read what the OP wrote? He said not like an MMO but rather a separate arena where you can import your current character and fight 1 to 1 with other peoples characters :)
This of course would be possible!! And yeah I think this might happen and I have a gut feeling that an ES mmorpg is gonna happen in the near future and prob be a launch title for ether next gen Xbox and PS4 and ofc PC!
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:58 am

I might be down for it if it were just an arena. That'd be cool. I don't want some other player marching around Skyrim with me atm. MMORPG type players would just spoil my fun. Sorry. :P

Also, I don't remember Todd ever saying "never." Iirc, he said they hadn't figured out a way to do it without sacrificing too much.

His latest:
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:50 am

No thanks, I already have my multi player games.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:54 pm

Did you actually read what the OP wrote? He said not like an MMO but rather a separate arena where you can import your current character and fight 1 to 1 with other peoples characters :)
This of course would be possible!! And yeah I think this might happen and I have a gut feeling that an ES mmorpg is gonna happen in the near future and prob be a launch title for ether next gen Xbox and PS4 and ofc PC!

I'd see a doctor about that gut problem, because I'll bet you're wrong.

Want an Arena? Have some modder cobble something together and there ya go.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:50 am

Did you actually read what the OP wrote? He said not like an MMO but rather a separate arena where you can import your current character and fight 1 to 1 with other peoples characters :)
This of course would be possible!! And yeah I think this might happen and I have a gut feeling that an ES mmorpg is gonna happen in the near future and prob be a launch title for ether next gen Xbox and PS4 and ofc PC!

How many games do they toss MP in after release? Now how many of those are RPGs to the scope of Skyrim. I read the op's post and I stand by what I said. Skyrim will not be receiving MP and nor will any TES game in the near future.Todd Howard has said multiple times he has no interest in doing MP.

Now that said there were rumors of Zenimax wanting to do an MMO RPG and the TES world would be a possible setting but I highly doubt it would be done by Todd Howard and company. Even if these rumors are true I think there is a snow ball's chance in hell that its a MMO RPG for launch on next-gen consoles.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:41 pm

Did you actually read what the OP wrote? He said not like an MMO but rather a separate arena where you can import your current character and fight 1 to 1 with other peoples characters :)
This of course would be possible!! And yeah I think this might happen and I have a gut feeling that an ES mmorpg is gonna happen in the near future and prob be a launch title for ether next gen Xbox and PS4 and ofc PC!

MMO's dont typically work on consoles though - especially if they are subscription based as the majority of console players dislike the idea of a subscription (and on 360 they have to pay for Live too if they want MP).

Personnally i dont want any MP features heading to TES games. Why because it takes up resources away from the creation of the SP content either with extra funds needed to pay for the programmers or by reallocating programmers away from SP areas to focus on creating all thats needed to make it run smoothly and then of course in some way trying to create a balance for PvP - and that would/could entail tailoring perks to be PvP based which means they may not be that great in the SP environment.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:20 pm

Not a chance. Skyrim is anything but balanced.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:31 pm

In fact, PVP systems in rpg games depends on some kind of degree of balance between races, items, spells, skills etc. TES isn't that kind of game type... Actually I believe, when it comes to any kind of balance, Skyrim scores terribly low. I think TES games are role playing games where role playing, immersion, landscapes en stories are the most important factors of the game. Therefor they could have done some more work on the NPC stories and speech lines... but they didn't. Nevertheless I enjoy the game very much! Not many games deserve to be worth 50 euros, this game does! Including all the DLC costs in the future...

If you're waiting for a good PVP system in a RPG, wait 3 months and buy Diablo 3. That game is all about balancing and not about landscapes. Good luck
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Donald Richards
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:53 pm

Not a chance. Skyrim is anything but balanced.

Partially this, the game isn't designed to be balanced for MP.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:21 am


Just no

The game is too broken for PVP

The game is not balanced for PVP

I wouldnt want them wasting their time on PVP

I wouldnt buy a DLC based on PVP
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:37 pm

No the problem is not solved. Doing MP would take assets, assets that me and many others would prefer to see used on the SP experience.

not if they have a separate team JUST dedicated to MP like what a lot of studios are doing nowadays :)

i don't think half you actually read what the OP posted!!! you just read the topic title then reply!!

the OP didn't say anything about MMO, but a controlled smaller area i.e arena where players can use their skyrim characters to fight other like minded people! it would be DLC, you DONT have to play it and it was just an IDEA, geez some of you get worked up over nothing!!

i don't mind single player AS LONG as it don't hurt the single player portion but like i said above, a lot of devs now have separate studios to handle the MP sections!
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:34 pm

not if they have a separate team JUST dedicated to MP like what a lot of studios are doing nowadays :)

stupid logic, they better take that "MP" team and add more stuff to single player
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:02 pm

Except the fact that it's a sacrilege, mentioning the word multiplayer in any form for TES games...

If they added mp it would be like they would have to make a new game from scratch in order to remotely balance it. Which is impossible.
And as others said this would take valuable time from the sp development and this would svck.
And in the worst case scenario if they choose to do something like that in a future tes game and they adjust it according to the mp, they will completely destroy it for sure.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:35 am

Balancing PVP for this game would be simple as hell. Given a light touch in its current state and form PVP would work fine.

It would work simply like this.

Level would not matter running like this.

All skills 100

40-60 perks choices given out on character creation.

All weapon types do the same damage (ie Steel sword does 10 base damage without perks, Ebony the same)
That way customizing the way you look has a bit of depth for not really changing anything or adding anything to create work.
Weapon damage differences would only be based on physical weapon type (ie daggeer, 2h, battleaxe, etc)

You get 1-2 shouts to choose from when creating character. Or none to eliminate possible force and or elemental fury abuse.
Racial skills would need to be thought of carefully before allowing them to be used. Or remove them altogether.
You get 2 spells in any school to choose from.

You get the materials to make 1 full armor set and 1 weapon of your choice and material, when you create your character.
So choose wisely at first.

PVP would start like Oblivion arena once a pair both connect to Arena Server cell.
Before match starts players get 5-10 mins to forge, buy and sell materials and equip their chosen spells and or weapons.
PVP it self would require a sense of skill to a degree. Who ever could outsmart or direct more hits would win.
This Add's a sense of progress and depth by being able to sell/buy and loot defeated players.
Basically we just created PVP within a system using everything that the game currently has, furthermore it changes nothing yet could potentially offer hours of renewable entertainment with little or no work to be done other than adding "2 PC's to a server"
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:29 pm

I'd like a form of "pacific" Online play, where you meet other players in taverns or other place of cities. You may talk and exchange experiences, maybe commerce. It would make cities much more alive than what are now. But any form of PvP would be spoiled by immature kids as in any other game.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:27 pm

I am sorry OP, as you can clearly see there are too many people on these forums who simply arent intelligent or mature enough to discuss potential new features or changes or anything that fits outside their limited view on what should be contained in an Elder Scrolls game. That being said while I wouldnt be against seeing such a thing released as DLC I dont quite think it would work for Skyrim and I dont think I would purchase it if it did somehow manage to get included as DLC. The idea does have potential, especially if you spruce the story up a bit like perhaps the Daedric Prince Boethia has opened up the Tournement of Blood and is summoning champions from different dimensions to compete or something like that however I just dont think the combat system in Skyrim is good enough to base DLC or a PVP arena around, also as somebody said in this thread earlier with the wealth of potentially huge game changing mods that can be made for this game and will likely be available soon having a multiplayer feature for anything but the vanilla or console versions of the game could be incredibly difficult to pull off.

I can see the attraction of a multiplayer feature for this game and dont neccessarily think that having a multiplayer feature would ruin the game or turn it into an MMO as many people claim it will but at the moment its probably not something I would like to see in an Elder Scrolls game just yet.

TES is not designed (and hopefully will never be) to have a multiplayer part

just wait until bioware will release ME3 (a 20 hour hallway/rail shooterrpg)
then you will see what "adding Multiplayer" does to a singleplayer rpg.

Make it totally awesome? Now I must admit I have not been following ME3 that closely but considering the type of gameplay I cant see why ME3 wouldnt benefit from a multiplayer mode, just what sort of multiplayer features do they have planned for the game? Would it really be that horrible to let a friend take control of one of the 2 squadmates that follow you wherever you go? And if you are totally against the idea of having a friend take control of one of your squadmates are you forced to have one do so?
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:24 am

Could PvP work in Skyrim? Probably. The fine and talented folks at Bethesda are smart enough to make it work.

Would I want to see them try it? It's irrelevant if I want to or not. If they did, I wouldn't play it anyway. It's not what I play Bethesda games for. I play for the single player experience.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:39 am

How does multiplayer ruin a game? Just don't play it if you don't like it!

I love RPGs, but I have friends who I would love to share the experience with. Why is it that RPGs can't have any multiplayer or they aren't RPGs anymore? What's different about it? Why is the game suddenly bad? Most games hire a completely new department to work on multiplayer, so no resources get diverted.

I hear what you're saying, but inevitably when a game has multiplayer thrown in it starts to cause issues with balance et al, in which case things affect the single player.

Perhaps some form of co-op dungeons would be a nice addition?
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:57 pm

not if they have a separate team JUST dedicated to MP like what a lot of studios are doing nowadays :)

i don't think half you actually read what the OP posted!!! you just read the topic title then reply!!

the OP didn't say anything about MMO, but a controlled smaller area i.e arena where players can use their skyrim characters to fight other like minded people! it would be DLC, you DONT have to play it and it was just an IDEA, geez some of you get worked up over nothing!!

i don't mind single player AS LONG as it don't hurt the single player portion but like i said above, a lot of devs now have separate studios to handle the MP sections!


Like I said, I read the OP I get that he doesn't want an MMO, you where the one to bring that up.

As for the whole asset thing it's still taking away from the game. These people just don't spring up out of no where to work on a game just for the hell of it.
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