» Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:18 pm
Oh boy here we go again with the whiners and complainers. First of all, what are you buying Skyrim for? Are you buying it for the game or DLC?
It has happened for Oblivion, Fallout 3 and one DLC for New Vegas. You should be use to this by now? People are just complaining for complaining sakes now. This is nothing new. I don't mean the news that Skyrim DLC will be 360 exclusive first, but that the 360 gets the DLC before other platforms.
I find it funny. Really funny. People will defend Steam like crazy saying if you want to play on PC you need Steam. So if you want DLC right away you need Xbox Live.
Second of all, to the people who say that Microsoft or Bethesda will not be getting any of their money, do you think they care? Really come on. How much is Bethesda getting for having Microsoft being exclusive first? So Bethesda is not getting your $10 or what not. Big deal, they got their Hundreds of thousands of dollars already, so saying they will not get your money, is a laugh for them. They already have their much more money than they would EVER get from making not exclusive.
Third, it's so funny how poeple will complain really loudly and alot, but still buy the game, supporting Bethesda anyways. So basically it's a moot point. It's called buisness. You don't like it, don't buy it. If you buy it, then don't complain. You can say how you don't like it, but most people don't do that, instead of talking about it, they whine and complain and then it just comes on deaf ears.
I say it's good that the 360 gets the exclusives. Maybe the PC industry and Sony will finally wisen up and do something about it so it doesn't happen and make their product better.