I'm a 360 owner and all I can really say is who cares? I mean sure you don't get it first but that's usually a good thing the 360 players get all the bugs/glitches then the rest get a polished piece when it comes out. Plus if this was an actual exclusive like the PS3 usually gets :banghead: then I would be mad. (Batman, Saints Row 3, Bioshock, ect) all head PS3 only added content so compared to that us getting the DLC a month early isn't anything to be mad about or even to say something like *** microsoft..
So you can see how Sony works now for their exclusives. I knew they did it, but couldn't remember what they did. Thank you for giving the examples. So now is Microsoft that evil? Sony does it. So what is the excuse now? See people are just complaining on Microsoft because after 15 years it's still the thing to do. Complain how Microsoft is evil, while no one complains about Sony, but they do exactly the same thing.
It's buisness. As FearTheLiving has said, it's what 30 days, maybe 2 months. At least it's not exclusive at all.
As for someone saying Bethesda to show some respect, Bethesda could have made TES games exclusive to the 360 only. That is where they get the most money now, but they still choose to develope for the PC and PS3. Do you not think that Microsoft has asked Bethesda to make TES games Xbox Exclusive?
So to me that that is Bethesda showing respect to is fans and consumers. :tes: