well, after years of harrassing bioware to ease up on the linear story approach, i've finally given up and let that one go, i will play mass effect 3, but more out of respect for pandemic's programming than anything else.
i definitely think they lost touch with the rpg a while ago - as soon as that irritating dumb-ass shepherd opened his mouth in fact, Origins had a great design aspect to it, but it was all locked away inside the story, without mods you literally could not play the combat without trawling through that same story that constantly threatened to ruin the mood the first time around, i just don't have the patience for linear games anymore.
i look to elder scrolls, i look to demon's souls, and i hope there'll be more franchises on the way that make creativity for the player their top priority.
Personally, I'll play ME3 because I was captivated by ME1's story (2, a bit less), love the characters, and want to see where both the story & my choices end up. Great games, great RPGs.
(And, as I've mentioned other places before, I felt that ME2, while it's base
story was weaker than ME1's and the combat system was somewhat simpler, it was a stronger
RPG because the dialogue & decisions were better than ME1's. Combat system =/= RPG to me.)
...also, FemShep is awesome. (GuyShep does seem like an idiot, but why would anyone play him?

Anyway, the vast majority of "RPGs" over the decades have been basically linear, so if "linear" makes a game not an RPG for you..... :shrug:
edit: just read up on Demon's Souls..... it's a 3rd-person action beat-em-up, with some basic RPG aspects (equipment & class/stats). So, it's a roguelike? I can see alot of people dismissing that as an "action game" and not an RPG....