Lets cut to the chase. You line up a bunch of kids from the 90s and from now. You think more people are going to grab the RPG or FPS? Giving them the choice of a decade equivalent (Obviously a 90s gamer would grab Crysis 2 over Secret of Mana, just because they'd never seen anything like that). Id say more will grab the shooter contemporarily. More grab the RPG in the 90s, 80s etc. Its not just the industry, its external force that have dumbed down our youth, given them little to no patience etc. I blame the drug companies and overt PC silliness that has taken over the US.
Hey, hey. I said I loved RPGs, no?

Anyway, to give you a perspective from someone who currently attends high school five days of the week, I've gathered some knowledge about gaming among teenagers in my area:
1. Xbox 360s are really, really popular around here with a few PC players and PS3 players on the side. PS3s really aren't very popular around here. In fact, I think gaming PCs are more popular than PS3s.
2. The next Call of Duty or Halo game is typically the most popular. Some people are interested in games that combine RPG and shooter elements (such as newer Fallout games) while fantasy RPG and strategy games are rarely talked about... but I do know a small handful of fantasy RPG lovers in my school. I've never heard Japanese RPGs once get mentioned in my school, but I've had a couple conversations concerning Elder Scrolls games. One of the people loves WoW and mentioned the Dark Brotherhood as a favorite part of Oblivion. Another said he doesn't care for them much and likes more story-based RPGs. I believe he mentioned The Witcher. Also, even though it's not an RPG series, he recommended the Thief series. Strategy games have never been a discussion topic in my high school while I was around. I know one kid who likes Civilization games, but he told me back before high school. Girls typically don't seem to like video games as much as guys, in my school. There was one instance where a girl in my Biology class asked another guy why he liked video games so much. A couple other guys joined him in the explanation and all agreed on "shooting stuff". The girl said "that sounds stupid" and my inner RPG/strategy game/building simulator lover wanted to grind his teeth down to the gums. It was just one discussion they had and I didn't say anything because it wasn't my discussion to force myself into, but "shooting stuff" was the only thing they could use to describe why video games are fun? *grumble*
Anyway, throughout my general growing-up phase up until now, it's always been shooters and the occasional racing game that have been popular. I remember when people loved Pokemon, though. That was a fun time. I actually like Pokemon. I've always wondered who else was buying those RPG games off the shelf other than myself, though. A lot of the advlts in the area look down on games as unintelligent child's toys and a lot of the kids are focused on shooters instead of RPGs. Hmm...
In short, I'm a minority gamer, around here, with my PS3 and my RPGs and my Civilization games...
Bluntly put, it svcks. I can't share my excitement for the upcoming Skyrim with people I know in real life.

Then again, I don't socialize much, anyway, but I've overheard many a conversation in my short time on this planet due to listening taking up the place of talking.