» Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:08 pm
Well, they are trying to introduce and make these games appealing to a broader audience. I swear if I had ran into Fallout 2 before I had the patience to learn the concept of RPGs, I would have tossed it out onto the street. Many of these players are coming from First Person Shooters, and a much more generic and simple game type. This, in my opinion, is the real challenge for companies. Do they appease their die-hard fans, or try to attract new fans? Of course, the obvious solution is try 'n do both, but this would come to be a much larger challenge than one would think. Look at it this way: A new player is introduced to Morrowind and Oblivion. For the most part, your typical gamer that doesn't know the title well will find Morrowind unattractive due to some of its complexity. While Oblivion will be more simple and easier to follow, while still coming to the table with an overall fun game, but many of the veteran Bethesda fans didn't find Oblivion as appealing, but I believe we can all agree that regardless of it being less complex than Morrowind, it was an enjoyable game.
That said, my beef with Bioware isn't really Bioware, it's EA and how they rule things in their kingdom. I think Bioware would be best off (and safer off) getting away from them ASAP.
As with Skyrim, I have no doubt Bethesda will make the game as good as it is in the gameplay trailer, as they have no overlord to truly adhere to besides the ever-faithful customers. Of course, I may be showing a bit of biased really devoted fan-ism here, but they never have made me feel the game wasn't of par quality before, and I have no reason to now. They always come through, and as far as I can tell Skyrim will kick some ass in the RPG world. I think RPGs are growing if anything. They are blending in a bit with other genres of games, but they are growing in size.