» Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:09 am
I agree that this is an amazing game, possibly even GOTY potential, but when playing it I keep running into the fact that there are HUGE balancing problems with it.
For example, the first character i made, i played on Adept difficulty, and decided to go with a simple light armor dual wielding sword girl. It was pretty fun, because of the insane damage I could do, even at an early level; nothing could even touch me. I could sprint up to my enemy, do a dual-wielding power attack, and invariably they would be stunned...and by the time they had stood up, they were already dead. I'm not just talking about basic draugr here, either; I'm talking about almost every enemy in the game. In total, i can think of THREE enemies that have given me trouble, and all of them happened in a dungeon i dont think i was supposed to enter for at least another 10 levels(i was level 14 or so), and they were two draugr deathlords and a dragon priest. Those fights were actually FUN.
But anything else, including dragons, i can kill in 5 seconds. Flat. I'm only at level 22 now, but i've stopped playing because everything essentially entails doing exactly the same thing. Heck, even giants are insanely easy; i hit them with a full power Unrelenting Force, and while they're flailing around on the ground, I.....run up to them and kill them in 5 seconds. Without even taking any damage.
So dual wielding is insanely powerful, unless you run into a quite tanky enemy. Except for the dragons(balance issue!) that's really not such a bad thing, since it's good to feel like a badass every now and again.
I decided to take a break and play an entirely different character, a heavy armor mace and board Paladin, with extra focus on restoration and alteration magicks, with the idea of being essentially the opposite of my first character; rather than be fast and deadly, i would be slow and TOUGH.
Well, i got my wish. About the slow part, anyway.
The first dungeon was just fine; I was actually feeling extremely good about myself. With my heavy armor and oakflesh magic, barely anything could even scratch me, and i was getting kill animations often enough that i actually felt kinda broken, and i was having a load of fun. Even the first dragon was pretty fun; it took much longer because of my lower damage output, but i got to experiment with spells like lesser ward and stuff to see how they worked, and I ended up having a semi-tough battle that ended in victory.
I guess that should have been my first warning.
Like i said earlier, my 2-hander character can kill them in about 5 seconds. My mace+shield character takes roughly 5-10 times longer to do so. This would not be a problem, if it werent for the fact that...i dont tank 5-10 times better. With my dual wielding character, i essentially leveled two skills(smithing and 1-handed), and i could deal with 95% of dungeons in the game. With my tank character, i was utilizing 4 defensive skills ALONE(block, heavy armor, alteration, restoration), and I have nowhere near the same level of defensive ability the simple raw offense of my dual wielder has.
Here's an example; i was crossing a pass, and ran into a camp of bandits. My dual wielding character could, at the same level(10), kill them fast enough that they could never get any real damage on him; i know, because I actually did it at that level, and it was a FOOTNOTE. My paladin took three hits and was immediately skewered by a two handed sword. I ended up having to reload about 5 times to finally beat it, and it is not a pleasant memory.
Now I admit I didn't HAVE to do it, but it was on the way to the THIRD quest in the game, and you obviously dont expect to run into something so ridiculously tough at that level. Speaking of which...let me speak to you about frost trolls. Did you know that a high damage agile character can both kill a frost troll AND outrun it? Did you know that a low level heavy armor character can't do EITHER?
The only way i was finally able to survive was by AI-scumming it by walking backwards and dashing forwards quickly to chip off bits of its health. Even with stoneflesh and full heavy armor, it was taking out a third of my health with each and every hit...THROUGH my shield.
I'm not foolish enough to say it's ruined it for me, but i CAN say that i'll probably be restarting that character. At this point, the difficulty just seems too difficult to compensate for, and I dont want to waste any more time on it. This is tough, because i went and beat Krosis at level 10 and got the whisper shouts and his mask...none of which i will actually USE on this character, of course.
I wont lie, skyrim has the potential to be a great game, but like oblivion, it will probably take the work of extremely dedicated modders to bring it to life. Bethesda gave us an amazing, but flawed, framework; I guess it's just up to us now to make it the great game it deserves to be.