» Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:31 am
People telling him to go play a different game are the people who have not played a significant enough number of games, without submitting to rabid fanboyism, to know when a game has flaws. I admit, for the first 40-60 hours i played, i had an incredible amount of fun, and there's still lots of fun to be had! The fact isn't that you CAN'T have fun, but that when you are having fun, flaws that detract from that fun become all the more noticeable.
For example, i've noticed the balancing issues he's mentioned myself. When your character can get creamed by basic enemies just because he chose a certain playstyle, it means the game was badly balanced. If i have to spam health potions to keep myself alive against fights that an equally leveled character can destroy in seconds, there is a problem with balance. And on the other end of the spectrum, if i can kill normally difficult enemies with no challenge, and there aren't any places that ARE challenging, there is a problem with balance.
Skyrim seems to be filled with these problems. The sad part is, it probably could have been fixed fairly easily if they had not started out on the wrong foot. Additionally and sadly, it seems that this comes back to a flawed leveled AI system. If you knew that you could go to certain places and have an easier fight in exchange for worse loot, you would be happy to go there, because you know that's the point you're at. But if you know that the next place you go into will have enemies that will either be as easy as all the others or destroy you as bad as all the others, it destroys immersion and breaks up the gameplay.