Skyrim is a fail

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:02 pm

I demand all posters who want to call Skyrim a fail to first play 10 hours of vanilla Oblivion. I can understand nonTESers not liking the game, but if you know what these games are about then I have no idea who one could not like Skyrim.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:57 pm

LOL. sorry you feel that way, OP. I'm still enjoying the game and will never truely get bored of it. If anything, I'll probably get burned out from spending too much time in Skyrim.

whenever I see a thread like this, it almost seems like the OP starts it to find sympathy. The OP is bored and sick of the game, therefore the rest of us should be.

When I got bored of Sims 3 last year, the last thing I wanted to do was seek out a forum to complain about my lack of enthusiasm. Butt whatevea...
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Jessica White
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:15 pm

He has sure played the game a lot for someone who doesn't like it.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:41 pm

What, objectively, is wrong with Call of Duty besides them hashing out a new one every year?

Plus the standard tribalism of "The thing I like is clearly superior to that thing that you like. This makes me a better person/member of a better group."

So let me get this straight. The Original Poster flew through the content as he already hit level 48 in less then a week and is now here to gripe what a crummy game Skyrim is?

And powerleveled several other builds, too. :tongue:
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:15 pm

Hmm what I see in this thread is someone who played the game nonstop for a week and burned themselves out. Now every flaw you come across seems like a huge deal when it really is not.

I disagree. I loved oblivion and was fine with it's flaws but this game is just like a beta game. It's untested and it honestly could have been a good game but isn't because it's not finished.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:56 pm

i have over 50 hours of gameplay on this game... on one character already... if you don't liek it its because you haven't ifgured out the different playstyles. if u wantto be a mage. u need to use destruction magic or have some sort of backup weapon. if u level ur destruction enough it will be powerful. but remember mages are not warriors so dont expect to fare well in brawls. u also need to pick the right stone sign and race for that. secondly im a one hand weapon user and the perk sand other things r making me amazing so id k the problem. i also use stealth and i am very good at it. its not jut a stat thing u have to have actuall strategy and skill. plus u have dragon shouts to help pick up slack. i think you should reevaluate ur playing methods and that mght possibly help. maybe i uw ant 2h u might want an orc or a nord. use warrior star sign. and coming from a person who uses a one hand chracter. yes mages can be very strong so when u level u need to make sure u give urself lots of health and stamina. u gotta take cover and run at mages at angles. u cant run straight forward. i usual circle and take cover til i get close enough for a quick charge.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:17 am

I can't stop laughing at the hate this game is receiving. Since the second it was unlocked on steam to now, I have enjoyed every single moment Skyrim has had to offer. It's all me and my friends talk about! Everything you listed simply doesn't bother me in the slightest. I've clocked over 65 hours of gameplay so far and I can't stop! Bethesda must have done something right ;)

To be honest, several points you made regarding gameplay was inherently your fault for not being prepared.

I haven't experienced many bugs/glitches to complain, so I guess I'm lucky there.

You seem to be really harsh on the immersion factor. Maybe you should just relax and play the game? Immersion seems to come easy to me that way.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:18 pm

Sounds like you're either a really picky person with games or you've just had bad luck, I play a thief character, and I usually do pretty good. And you're lying when you say they automatically kill you when they catch you stealing, because they don't. I got caught once by some guy in Riverwood and he said "Don't try that again" or something along those lines. Sure if you're a noob and steal, get caught, try again immediately then that svcks for you, don't play a thief. As for selling fenced goods, you've got to be kidding me, you should have known that you wouldn't be able to sell stolen goods to a regular merchant, and it wouldn't take a scholar to figure out the logic behind it either. So let me explain this to you: Honest merchants aren't going to buy hot property because they wouldn't want the negative consequences that follow, owning a stolen good. Fences however, buy these goods because they know more people in the black market to which they could pass it on to. This was even in Oblivion. As for the shopkeeper in Riften, that's a scripted quest, mixed with a non-scripted action, obviously the guy isn't going to charge you because that's not part of the quest, and him attacking you for stealing is the non scripted response to your, obviously non scripted action. If you don't like the game don't play it and get something else, you don't need to whine about it's not tailored to you specifically on the forums.
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daniel royle
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:34 pm

I don't think it's so much a question of balance, as one of 'build balance' just need to find what combo's of skills, equipment and tactics that works.

I'm playing a one-hand specialist fighter type, and don't often use a shield as I prefer the dual-wield combo's...but I also rely on potions (for an instant hit replenishment or buff-up) and restoration spells (take a bit longer, but no inventory space needed). My choice, it works, and I'm enjoying the game. I'm certain that I would find the game unbalanced and unenjoyable if I tried to play it as a dagger carrying fighter who avoids substance abuse and who wears a lap-lap and hawaian shirt. However, I chose to take smithing, enchantment and to specialise heavilly in my chosen combat streams because it made my style workable.

There is 'choice', and there is 'unworkable choice', it's just a matter of taking reasonable and workable options...the game isn't broken because a player chose badly.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:53 pm

Hmm what I see in this thread is someone who played the game nonstop for a week and burned themselves out. Now every flaw you come across seems like a huge deal when it really is not.

Gonna go ahead and agree with this guy.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:45 pm

Really, if the game was as bad as the OP try to make it noone would be playing.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:05 am

Reason why getting over-hyped for a game is never a good thing.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:26 pm

The break of immersion argument is where your entire argument becomes silly. Skyrim is probably one the best games ever at providing you with an authentic fully unbroken atmosphere, but you're getting caught up on trivialities.

"What? Accidentally stealing a coin brings guards but running across table tops doesn't."

"Good heavens my character never has to go pee!"

I can almost imagine those criticisms being spoken, and its' slightly humorous because you're hating on the game for gameplay elements that have to be there to make the game enjoyable. Sure there are hundreds of thousands of tiny exceptions or exceptions that conceivably don't make sense in terms of "I want to never think I'm playing a game this is my life now" but fixing them adds nothing and would have been a horrible waste of development time.

The way this thread uses COD fans as a way to imply whatever they like is [censored], is also entertaining. If only because of how terribly ironic the sleight is since it implies COD fans are childish and crappy and like childish and crappy things... by using a childish baseless statement.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:02 pm

I disagree. I loved oblivion and was fine with it's flaws but this game is just like a beta game. It's untested and it honestly could have been a good game but isn't because it's not finished.

Ok, lol. Untested beta game, right...
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Miss K
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:34 pm

I believe because the game looks great (and it does look great) it has really put the zap on alot of peoples heads.

The fact is the game is just Oblivion with a paint job .. and some dragons.

The levelling is still unimaginative .. people complain how the game becomes too easy around lvl 30, but it has to as most people don't want to spend any time maxing out chars with utterly boring skills like crafting.

The combat still svcks .. too slow and clunky with melee, connection hit boxes are all over the place.

The UI for the pc is a nightmare. The bugs are now a huge issue with many gamers across all platforms.

If the dev team had an original idea, they'd probably die of shock.

There is the potential for a good game in there somewhere, but the old D&D numerical levelling system and the combat needs a complete rethink because both are pretty much dated and boring.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:01 am

Great game...going to be playing for a long time! :tes:
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Catherine N
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:30 pm

My only complaint with the game is that it feels a little too easy in places. I had more trouble with the frost wraith dude you fight on the way to Alduin's portal than Alduin himself. I was playing on normal difficulty too, which didn't feel all that normal. I suppose I could have changed it, but I don't feel like I should have to. I thought the game would scale itself to my level.

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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:04 am

Plus the standard tribalism of "The thing I like is clearly superior to that thing that you like. This makes me a better person/member of a better group."

And powerleveled several other builds, too. :tongue:

Wow, that link does explain whats going on here, and a few other high priority release around the web.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:56 pm

I believe because the game looks great (and it does look great) it has really put the zap on alot of peoples heads.

The fact is the game is just Oblivion with a paint job .. and some dragons.

The levelling is still unimaginative .. people complain how the game becomes too easy around lvl 30, but it has to as most people don't want to spend any time maxing out chars with utterly boring skills like crafting.

The combat still svcks .. too slow and clunky with melee, connection hit boxes are all over the place.

The UI for the pc is a nightmare. The bugs are now a huge issue with many gamers across all platforms.

If the dev team had an original idea, they'd probably die of shock.

There is the potential for a good game in there somewhere, but the old D&D numerical levelling system and the combat needs a complete rethink because both are pretty much dated and boring.

Good post, but unfortunately invalid because you're only saying that because Skyrim is popular.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:24 pm

While I agree with your points, I don't believe the game is a fail. I do agree they released it a bit too soon but mods and patches will fix a lot of your issues with the game... If you don't have it on PC, yah your stuck with an incomplete game sadly most likely. The same flaws that applied in Oblivion and Fallout are apparent though improved in sky rim. But in time the game will grow to be much better.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:18 pm

Good post, but unfortunately invalid because you're only saying that because Skyrim is popular.

I would have said it if he hadn't. Even if skyrim wasn't popular I would have said that.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:45 pm

After playing Skyrim now for one week the game has turned down gradually from "Oh my god the best game ever!" to complete disappointment. The reason for this is the total fail of balance and skill system that was implemented, the incredible amount of bugs and the overall very unpolished game.

So far I played a pure mage to 48, got bored and I tried a few other builds, namely one-hand melee, archer, thief, 2h melee. And every build showed up severe flaws in the system that made all characters either pointless to play or completely boring. Let's start with the mage:

At first the mage was nice and fun to play, till I realized that there is no spellcrafting and I really had to go through the entire game with 2 spells. Now there are some other spells, but either they burn down your mana while not even killing something, they don't work at all because of bugs or pointless effects or you require a certain perk to actually be able to properly use them. In the end all I did was summoning my daedra and threw firebolts. And eventually, after 31 levels and running through the entire main story, I finally got these spells high enough so I could get.... an improved firebolt (incinerate) that was wasting too much mana so I removed it from the hotkey again and continued to spam firebolts. And when I finally (at level 45) reached 100 Conjuration I went out to raise the most powerful undead I could find, just to learn that the AI is so stupid that my pets spend most of the time running against walls or obstacles or just randomly vanish because they can't find a path. So I went to a melee build.

The one-hand melee was nice for a while, till I found the first enemy mage. The first one poisoned me with a deadly posion (drunk 5 health pots then died). The second one was a frost mage that kept me at distance frozen with no chance to get to him (had to use the bad AI to my advantage) and the third one, a lightning mage just one-hitted my 330 hp. I am not sure if Bethesda thinks everyone is running around with 200 pots in their inventory or has enchantment as side-skill to craft resistance on his items, but that was just ridiculously annoying. Why the hell can't my shield block a spell? That would have been such an easy solution.

The 2-handed melee didn't make it far. The big thing is that once you swing your weapon, there is no going back till the swing animation is over. And with a 3 second swing of a 2h hammer you better bring a band-wagon of pots with you, because you will get beaten up like stupid till your first swing hits, the enemy staggers and you just beat him down. Why not just allow to interrupt the swing with the block button? What is the advantage of a 2h weapon to cover for the loss of defense except for a minor increase of damage? And how the hell am I supposed to afford 200 potions for each dungeon?

Thief/Assassin was next on the list, I actually loved that style in Oblivion so I figured why not try it? I went through the starter dungeon realizing that every enemy was able to see through my stealth (which is already kind of annoying for a starter dungeon) and then proceeded to rob the first town blank. Realizing that a pickpocket failure meant that I would be killed as everyone but the guards just grabbed their weapon and beat me to death because I stole one coin, I tried to just rob the local bandits. But since they could see through stealth at 2km away I proceeded to the good old save & load tactic, which is everything but fun. Once I got everyone properly robbed I proceeded to Whiterun with tons of crap in my inventory that I couldn't sell and eventually just dropped somewhere. The whole stealing got me about 1500 gold total, barely enough to buy a set of equipment and some potions. People in Skyrim must be poor.

Now the big thing was, that thanks to my pickpocket and sneak skill now being both over 80, I got to level 21 on the way to the first real quest (I skipped the claw quest in between). But thanks to the level adjustment system my enemies were now enhanced to be a challenge for someone who spent the last 21 levels bringing his combat skills up. Now I love a challenge so I made it through the dungeon towards the dragon stone somehow (and with a lot of loading), but then learned that I had to delete my character. The final boss who inconveniently has the dragon stone in his pockets and cannot be pickpocketed because he is an undead (so where do they keep their equipment??) forced me to fight him. He was 21, I was about level 2 if you just take the combat skills. I could remove a pixel of his life with about 10 swings, he could kill me with 2 hits. After reloading 20 times I just gave up and decided to delete that char.

So whats this all about?
The problems in this game summarize to:
  • Bugs: whether it is the stupid AI, spells like alteration armor which have barely an effect or diseases that don't remove the negative effects once dispelled, quests that go wrong or get stuck and finally crashes.
  • Balance of power: some abilities and builds are so extremely powerful that you just fall asleep playing the game, while others are so severely underpowered that you can't play the game at all. It feels to me like Bethesda made this game for combat-only characters that go exactly one way.
  • Balance of usefulness. Why play a thief if you can just steal everything anyway and the crap you get is almost worthless or cannot be sold? Why use higher level spells if the one you get at the beginning is the most efficient one in the game? Why use 2h weapons if the damage is barely higher but you take so much more damage that you cannot survive? Why are some perks absolutely required to use a skill while others barely have an effect? That list could be endless.
  • Break of immersion. Just one example: as member of the thieves guild I go to a shop and threaten the owner to pay his money by bashing down his beloved and very expensive urn. He almost crawls before me and promised to pay immediately. I decide to take 1 (one) gold from his desk as the beginning of his payment and immediately he and his wife draw their weapons, bash me down and a bunch of guards that magically knew I took the coin jump through the door and arrest me. The list of immersion failures like this are endless in this game.

I was really a great fan of Bethesda, but this game really killed the fanboyism for me. I am not your beta tester Bethesda, I payed money for this game and even endured crap like Steam and then you deliver such an incomplete an unpolished game. That is definitely not going to happen again.

Couple points I agree with you on, namely the companion/ally AI that tends to be dumber than door nails 9/10 times. When you're in need of actual help, they're still a good 100 yards away from you because the AI can't seem to figure out how to keep up with the PC.

In regards to:

Now the big thing was, that thanks to my pickpocket and sneak skill now being both over 80, I got to level 21 on the way to the first real quest (I skipped the claw quest in between). But thanks to the level adjustment system my enemies were now enhanced to be a challenge for someone who spent the last 21 levels bringing his combat skills up. Now I love a challenge so I made it through the dungeon towards the dragon stone somehow (and with a lot of loading), but then learned that I had to delete my character. The final boss who inconveniently has the dragon stone in his pockets and cannot be pickpocketed because he is an undead (so where do they keep their equipment??) forced me to fight him. He was 21, I was about level 2 if you just take the combat skills. I could remove a pixel of his life with about 10 swings, he could kill me with 2 hits. After reloading 20 times I just gave up and decided to delete that char.

You only have yourself to blame because you focused on non-combat skills (minus stealth) and failed to realize at some point that, wait a minute, [censored] might actually be a lot harder on me if I avoid the skills dedicated to killing [censored]...right? You focused on abilities that made you better at avoiding combat in most scenarios, but when [censored] hit the fan in the BFB your own failure to be prepared for such a circumstance is what punishes you, not the game. The game is just there to tell you that you're not doing it right. Do you think I kicked and screamed in bitter contempt when the Dragonpriest (the one that wears the mask Volsung) was capable of murdering me with two spell hits? No, I avoided him until I was far more capable of dealing with him, which in turn meant leveling up light armor, one-handed, archery, and sneak (I played a stealth guy too), getting all the necessary potions and enchantments, THEN coming back to the same location and having a second go at him. Even then he was still challenging as hell but I managed to put him down after a little bit of my own perseverance.
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Allison C
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:01 pm

What, objectively, is wrong with Call of Duty besides them hashing out a new one every year?

Your question answers itself.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:33 pm

Good post, but unfortunately invalid because you're only saying that because Skyrim is popular.


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Benito Martinez
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:53 pm

sounds like u play the game to much...crazy how people cant pretend and go by ur own rules like the game needs to hold ur hand...not u OP but i see alot of that in old school i remember when u got a gi joe and u had to pretend the dude was in a jet or fighting or what ever i mean it just sat there and did days u can play with these "toys" that play back with u...i think u got to learn to just enjoy something as it is...

on 1 hand i could say a few things i would have done differnt with the game, but then i remember to step back and take it all in and just let a apple be a apple...1 thing i see a flaw in gaming is trying to make a game good enough for a old gamer to buy, but have to leave room for the lil kids that will buy it..after all its buisness... thus my idea for a AO rating in games....(advlts only)drugs,six, i mean hell any 1 that played nintendo back in the days is grown by 30 so ya we need our advlt games its bout time.

but when u find that perfect game pm me cause all games have holes in em...just got to learn to pretend and work with what they give u... i respect how u feel though and didnt try to troll...i mean u took time to write it so i know its true to ur heart..
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