Skyrim is a fail

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:47 pm

OoOooooOoooo to all you stupid people complaining. Stop it, nobody bloody cares. If you don't like it then just don't play it. Stop whining like a little [censored].

exactly!! and they always keep knocking that other people play action titles.....ohhhhhhhhh!!
although roleplaying games are my fave genre, yeah i also play FPS and action adventure games, but some of these clowns think that your opinion don't mean jack if you do this!! stupid!!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:07 am

I thought the game was about options. I just think with all the time put in a character you should be able to reset your points and add them to another class. I honestly don't like that you have to start another 65 hours just to be a good mage, thief, or warrior. I love this game but for a game that promises option and great replay value it seems you have to have a dedicated 500 hours just to do so. I am happy with my warrior, but I will make another just cause I have the time since I'm unemployed recently. The game has a lot of ups and downs but I don't think anything ground breaking. I do hate the no option to remarry though! ARG! lol :brokencomputer:
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:28 am

People just over-react so damn much. Its like people would even condemn Skyrim for a flickering shadow and go around squealing and writhing in the dirt, calling people who like the game stupid and then eating the game like a damn good prime rib a week later when they've had a break only to -repeat- it again until mods come to make it fresh for them. AND THEN they'll be idiots and say that modders "fixed" bethesda's game. [sarcasm]Nope. There isn't anything wrong with those people at all.[/sarcasm].
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Kill Bill
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:18 pm

The game is great but there are alot of things that SHOULD have been done better.

I think this sums it up quite nicely.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:38 am

as for balance, most of the complaints are just people having a problem learning to use stuff thats all

totally agree. Mages are supposed to be very smart, yet most of the mage playing complainers only used destruction tree in Oblivion. Fireball, repeat, repeat, repeat... I think someone got spoiled. Learn to use the so called spells that do nothing. Fury, raise zombie, and such. All very useful if played right.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:30 pm

Your question answers itself.

The development cycle of the Call of Duty games is actually a dangerous thing to criticize because due to the fact that the CoD series alternates developers between games so you actually have a situation where compared to developers like Bioware or Obsidian (studios known and loved by fans for their supposed lengthy dev cycles that don't adhere to a title a year system) actually produce sequels quicker than Treyarch or Infinity Ward who do work on different installments of the CoD series at the same time. Obviously I'm not arguing for or against the quality of COD games but, for example, Dragon Age IIs' dev cycle was something like 9 months. Although some do have many teams working simultaneously on different titles to give them longer, the title or sequel a year thing can't really be seen as a negative because its' the industry standard even with the supposed love-over-money studios.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:42 pm

A RPG is more or less about creating a character, assuming the role of that character, and then going out and exploring a world, interacting with other characters (NPCs).

In Skyrim, character creation is mostly aesthetic, akin to changing your face paint and uniform in Call of Duty.

Then there are the lack of stats that players can change. After each level, players only get to choose 1 of 3 stats to increase and 1 perk. That's ridiculous. What kind of RPG is this? Stats are tools that allow players to extrapolate their characters to paper or to video games. The less stats that can be manipulated, the less complex player-created characters are.

This has been pointed out already in other threads, but is worth mentioning again anyway, stats are still there; but most of which can't be touched by players.

Another problem with Skyrim is the dialogue choices. Dialogue choices are superficial. Bethesda may as well just cut these choices out in the next Elder Scrolls and give players a "continue" button, since most of the dialogue options end up going down the same path anyway.

The aforementioned is only good if you're trying to appeal to the 14-year olds that frequent Xbox Live. The type who skips through dialogue, doesn't read any of the lore, etc. In other words, the type who shouldn't be playing RPGs to begin with. But game developers are just like any other company, they want to make money. So Bethesda is trying to broaden their audience by dumbing down the RPG elements. By the way, if you needed a spreadsheet to get through Morrowind, then I think you may have bigger problems than dragons. Just sayin'.

So what is Skyrim? To me it's just a brain dead adventure game/dungeon crawl. You don't get to mess around with many stats, you can't affect the world in any deep way, and most of the dialogue options bring you down the same path. Skyrim doesn't sound like much of a RPG at all.

One last thing: I played a mage as well and I was just as disappointed as you in the lack of spells and the amount of magicka it takes to cast them.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:47 pm

Skyrim is not a fail. It's just not. There is no logical, factual reasoning that could come out that Skyrim is a terrible game, unless it is an opinion. Sorry, it's just not possible.

And. Am I just stupid, or really lucky, or just not paying attention? Because I have yet to see any REAL bugs.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:12 pm

Find this hilarious to be honest. I am one of the people who spent way too long playing the game, not eating/sleeping because I was so immersed in the game. Yes there are problems, bugs, and generally things that piss me off right now but really? How many people here have spent an almost pathetic amount of time playing so far? I think i have around 130 hours already and that's after slowing down.

How are people complaining about difficulty? Sneak + Daggers/Bow feels broken for me. If you have a high sneak then enemies will literally run into you trying to get past and still wont discover you. I have a dagger that currently sneak attacks for 1560 dmg...(unenchanted deadric dagger - 52 dmg - 60 one hand, heavily smithed with the x15 perk and double backstab gloves)

The main complaint I have had so far is that skills seem to scale with perks not levels. I feel that if I want a skill to be useful I have to get the related perks or it feels like I still have 25 instead of 100. That and dragons 1 shot me with 600 armor and 200 hp.

But seriously... I could rant and complain for hours about this game, but no way in hell could I equal the amount of time I have put in nor plan to put in. I love this game and all its quirks so far.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:21 pm

Since when does Skyrim have mana?

Really if you are going to launch into why a game svcks at least call things by their game names.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:15 pm

Im sorry m8 but you dont have a point... really...
for a game of this size, magnitude and complexity it has incredible low amount of bugs, the AI is better than ever (even tho people say high lvl sneaking is over the top, dunno havnt reach high levels with sneak yet), there are some pathing issues, but even those are few.

as for balance, most of the complaints are just people having a problem learning to use stuff thats all, there are obviously issues with most skills/builds, but hardly gamebreaking at all, magic is pretty good if played properly., people complaining about destruction usually dont use it well.

as for the awckwards events like the coin stealing thing... well thereso nly so much mechanics and code/script that can be put into a game this big dont you think? they could have changed all the theft coding for that particular case I guess... but meh is all the rouble worth it just for that tiny weeny detail?
THAT broke your immerssion? really? I gues being the best most detailed living world ever built on any rpg has no bearing because you stole from a npc you were doing a shackedown :(

best rpg ever,

No thats you and your biased opinion. This game lacks so many things other great RPG's have.
(In my book, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 are the best RPG's ever)

And what do you mean for 'A game this size and complexity"?
I don't have the promised AMAZING 'Radiant' AI.
I didn't get this really epic and awesome main story. it was average at best, like Mass Effect, only a bit worse. Okay alot worse really.
The game is only 5.1 Gigs big....a game that came out in 2010 that was an RTS was 12 gigs big. thats more then 2x the size of Skyrim
Only a 1 gig difference from Skyrim to Oblivion.

Sorry, but Bethesda should have waited another year before bringing this game out, no matter how great it already looked.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:33 pm

Unlike most of the posters in this thread, I was disappointed too. I started with Morrowind. I've logged around 60 hours (it's fun, but not as fun as previous titles). I have tried a few other types (mages, etc). It's just not as good as the others guys. Be [censored] all you want, but the bugs and inbalances are blatently obvious to the point I wonder if they even played and tested their own game before release. It's unpolished and if you play on PC, just shelf it till the modders fix it.

LOL fan boy is censored... LMAO
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:17 pm

After playing Skyrim now for one week the game has turned down gradually from "Oh my god the best game ever!" to complete disappointment. The reason for this is the total fail of balance and skill system that was implemented, the incredible amount of bugs and the overall very unpolished game.

I was really a great fan of Bethesda, but this game really killed the fanboyism for me. I am not your beta tester Bethesda, I payed money for this game and even endured crap like Steam and then you deliver such an incomplete an unpolished game. That is definitely not going to happen again.

You didn't elaborate as to what platform you're running Skyrim on.

If you have the PC version. . .

The Gods-of-Mods will eventually make it beautiful once again.


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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:50 am

No, you're a fail. :spotted owl:
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:32 am

Okay, someone name a game that beats Skyrim in size and content. Excluding the past TES games, of course.

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Catherine N
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:07 pm

I think there is some truth to the OP's statement but for me it's not a deal breaker. The problem is the attitude. I don't expect to play a game a certain way and succeed. I make changes as needed to survive at the game. I've only played my one character who is a jack of all trades to some degree and he's doing great at level 26 at about 50 hours in. He uses one handed, light armor, smithing, enchanting, alchemy, and destruction with a little restoration. I've never been poisoned to a point where it was much noticable... maybe werewolves are immune or resistant?

If I got owned as a thief/assassin I would most likely just work on my one handed and archery and maybe delve into crafting a bit. They key to this game is alchemy, brewing powerful potions = win with any build IMO.

2 handed is pretty dumb due to the slow animations. But Oblivion was kind of that way, I always hated 2h weapons, maces and axes because they are way too slow for my style. Even block feels kind of useless so far, but it might be one of those skills that require perks to get decent. Dual wielding 1 handed weapons was clunky at first but I tried again last night and now it seems to work better. If you do two power attacks at the same time it plays this pretty cool scissor attack that owns about anything. I even did a dual wield scissor head decap finisher that was most satisfying.

Skyrim is great but has it's share of balance issues I think. Which is why I always buy PC version so mods can make this great game even better and we can play it how we truly want to. I mean vanilla Oblivion pretty much was a joke in a lot of ways after the first play through but mods made it great with a lot of little touches. Skyrim doesn't need that many mods and it will be awesome.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:36 am

totally agree. Mages are supposed to be very smart, yet most of the mage playing complainers only used destruction tree in Oblivion. Fireball, repeat, repeat, repeat... I think someone got spoiled. Learn to use the so called spells that do nothing. Fury, raise zombie, and such. All very useful if played right.

You're absolutely right. As a mage player on a challenging difficulty level, you really do have to make use of the other schools of magic in order to succeed. Sadly, the COD players stick to the easiest difficulty, and so don't see a use for the other schools, and that in turn means the removal of magic schools in future TES games, and the inclusion of Japanese School girls dual wielding handguns race, in order to appeal to the new and lesser fanbase.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:28 pm

I am 100% enjoying this game. Im a lvl 34, and have a mostly stealth build, with the exception of one handed, archery, destruction, restoration, and smithing. My stealth skills, along with these other ones are producing one bad ass dovakin. I think your problem is that you're trying "cookie cut classes", try making a hybrid.

As far as bugs go, I havnt ran in to any problems yet, other than the glitched HDD textures on the 360, and all I did was uninstall it from the hdd, and that fixed the prob.

Sorry you didnt like the game, but I couldnt disagree with you any more, Im enjoying it.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:21 pm

No thats you and your biased opinion. This game lacks so many things other great RPG's have.
(In my book, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 are the best RPG's ever)

And what do you mean for 'A game this size and complexity"?
I don't have the promised AMAZING 'Radiant' AI.
I didn't get this really epic and awesome main story. it was average at best, like Mass Effect, only a bit worse. Okay alot worse really.
The game is only 5.1 Gigs big....a game that came out in 2010 that was an RTS was 12 gigs big. thats more then 2x the size of Skyrim
Only a 1 gig difference from Skyrim to Oblivion.

Sorry, but Bethesda should have waited another year before bringing this game out, no matter how great it already looked.

Lol @ you thinking the amount of gigs = size of the game.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:32 pm

Okay, someone name a game that beats Skyrim in size and content. Excluding the past TES games, of course.


Any and all MMO's. Final Fantasy 13, Witcher 2, FNV, as linear as they were they are more polished. Lol, you got blinders on bro
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Kevin S
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:39 pm

You should of done what I am doing. Take your time. I'm only level 18 and it's been a week. Your life should not revolve around a game, even though it has it's problems I'm sure every elder scrolls game has had it's problems. *cough cough* cliffracers flying into walls.*cough cough* Quit expecting perfection.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:57 am

You're absolutely right. As a mage player on a challenging difficulty level, you really do have to make use of the other schools of magic in order to succeed. Sadly, the COD players stick to the easiest difficulty, and so don't see a use for the other schools, and that in turn means the removal of magic schools in future TES games, and the inclusion of Japanese School girls dual wielding handguns race, in order to appeal to the new and lesser fanbase.

Why do you think that COD players would be playing this game if a new COD came few days before it. Also whats whit all this hate? You seem to be really angry person with very odd thoughts about whats going on with TES...
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:20 pm

Any and all MMO's. Final Fantasy 13, Witcher 2, FNV, as linear as they were are more polished. Lol, you got blinders on bro

I don't think anyone on these boards will take you seriously again. Any MMO is better than Skyrim in terms of content and size?? That's just lol.. And FF13?! Ahahahaha
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:56 am

Uhm..MMO's don't really count, as they are constantly updated.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:05 pm

Any and all MMO's. Final Fantasy 13, as linear as it was is more polished. Lol, you got blinders on bro

MMO's are online games, we are talking single player titles here and FF13 like you said was a ver very linear game, not open world so sorry they don't count!! bad luck, better luck next time :)

(they quickly edited that one :) )
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