Be nice if you could just give gifts but thats just one aspect of town life. Cutting wood is fine, and cooking though mainly pointless is fun as well (and being able to give people their favorite food would make it more useful), but I just think it would be cool if you could actually go through the game just as easily as a merchant or a bard as you could a warrior. It would be awesome if you quests could be completed without setting foot out of town. Where the same quests has more options of completing them rather than go to x cave and kill y bandit with either a sword, a spell, or a bow. To have more political or merchantile options... if you have enough coin and reputation, rather than being the errand boy you can pay mercenaries to do the quest for you. Or have the option to set up assassinations or find out secrets to use against other characters to potentially blackmail them.
I dunno, just would seem fun to be able to make a character who's weapon of choice was the power of words and a deep wallet. But I just feel the towns while need are more like a fish bowl. They all have their lives in the bowl and I'm stuck on the outside looking in. I mean a lot of people complain about not being able to do anything about the corruption in Riften. Heck it would be cool if you could take over a the role of a Jarl... either by doing enough quests or just rolling up in their and killing guards until you've killed enough to make them retreat and then you approach the Jarl and take their position by way of force either by killing them in fatal combat or intimidating them into giving up. I just feel a lot more could have been done to make the player an actual part of a town rather than just a visitor. I don't feel any real desire to stay in town outside of picking up quests, dropping off items in my storage or selling them off, and maybe idling about to 'watch the fish'.