Skyrim For a Morrowind Player.. And so much more

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:11 am

Im starting this thread to discuss the facts of confirmed content and possible content in relation of how it compares to the older games.

In no way am i saying Oblivion is a bad game, but I can see how some Morrowind players were extremely disappointed after 1 or less playthroughs



1. 10 Races again
2. Argonians and Khajits have same animations as the others - They dont have the funny legs like they did in Morrowind, but their tails move (for Endrak)

3 Design - I want to talk about this more. Looking at the face pictures and screens, Im extremely impressed with the design of the races as a Morrowind Player. Each race looks extremely unique instead of how oblivion basically used the same face for all but modified the base face for each class to have a different shape. Dunmer especially look like Morrowind dark elves. EXTREMELY HAPPY MYSELF

4. Races do have powers and staring skills

Character development;

1.No attributes =(
2.Perk trees
3. Skills - Combat (Smithing, One handed, two handed, block, heavy armor,) Magic (Destruction, Alteration, Illusion,Restoration, Conjuration, Enchanting) Stealth (Alchemy, sneak, light armor, archery,Speech, lockpicking and pickpocket, thank you Endrak
4. Customization (faces) From what Todd said you have less customization per say, but you pick from some default faces and adjust from there to look less ridiculous , they got rid of the ugly button
5. Races add dialogue flavour, but doesn't seem to affect MQ or restrict you from anything according to Todd. Nords hate elves. Nuff said.
6. No numbers or visually indicator of Alignment. but the game knows. Muwhahahaha

7.Question?? Shouts- Will they get stronger as you level? for example. Each shout has 3 stages, but if you have lets say the push shout stage 1, at level 2, and dont get the other 2 stages when your level 50, is that shout more powerful? or is its affect the same no matter what level you are, or are the creatures just affected the same regardless of their level?

8. New spell types in terms of variation, Runes (kinda like traps), fire walls etc
9. Spellcrafting is in, but will be handled different, Todd hates how it has been all about numbers in previous games, it losses its.. well Magic!
10. Cuirass and Leggings have been combined, for both gameplay, and design reasons. It also allows them to add more stuff on your screen at once apparently. (update)


1.The companions (confirmed and like fighters guild)
2. Academy of Winterhold (right name? anyways confirmed and similar to mages guild)
3. Theives guild (confirmed)
4. Dark Brotherhood (confirmed)
5. Some kind of faction(s) that are similar to the morrowind houses, so we can assume you join one, but cant join another.
6. Imperial Legion ( Thanks jerich_o)

1. Grey beards - We do know that they exist and they know the shout, to learn more, it may be a MQ thing
2. Blades - If there is only the narrator left, maybe he wants to rebuild , MQ i assume again
3. Storm Cloaks - some kind of rebellion, we know that you can do a quest to 'join' the rebellion. Whether its a chain or not is to be seen
4. Bard group - I remember todd or someone saying something about a bard college, with the miscellaneous tasks you can perform like wood cutting, etc, playing a lute may be in the game as well and may have opportunity join a bard group

1. Moran Tong - It is a Morrowind based guild, just unlikely
2. Morrowind Houses- .....
3. Fighters guild and Mages Guild

-Branching ( will explain in Quest section)

Opinion - I just hope there is more options than Oblivion. Having the extreme choice like you did in Morrowind, it was a bit disheartening coming in oblivion for me. But at the same time Quality is usually better than quantity. Also I hope you can just join any guild you want, I hope skills have some affect, personally.


1. All guild and MQ story arcs use the Radiant Story extremely lightly - So what i mean is that they are all hand written, so it doesnt tailor to you alot. Which i understand, but if it does tailor, Todd hasnt said how, ex. skills? relationships? area your in?
2. Branching - Todd had said that compared to Fallout 3, Quests have less forks in the road. More linear in terms of outcome. A pity in most cases
3. Radiant Story - for small singular quests, they happen at random and tailor to you. If your a good mage an old man may ask you to help him seek knowledge, or a friend of yours with a son will ask you find the missing son. What this means is 2 things, different playthroughs the same quests will be given to you by different people in different places depending on your actions also, these quests will tailor to you in terms of which dungeons you have not been too, and monsters you face.

Skyrim World

1.Nord infested :P
2. 5 major cities and 9-10 villages with over 10 buildings
3."Skyrim is just about the same size as Cyrodil" - Todd Howard it probably means its a bit smaller, but with the mountains being explorable. Its bigger. Understand? Also just more content.
4. Many Morrowind refugees at the academy
5. 5 different terrain types
6. The World levels with you but at a better standard than it did in oblivion. For example (from my understanding)
- Dungeon A is easy, Dungeon B is normal, Dungeon C is hard
Dungeons Level locks once you first enter, thank you laagamer

6. Horses are seen in videos but Todd said hes not sure about them yet. He wants to do them justice in light of new games like Read Dead. But will they take them out?
7. Magic Weapon recharging is going to be very similar to Oblivion. No automatic recharge

RPG Elements (extras)

1. Companions - Todd said at first the had a build of a game that everyone can be your companion, but it did not feel right so they toned it down. He then said instead of extremely developing companions like in New Vegas and Fallout 3, there would be more, and on occassion have some back story. so some examples might be..
a. Small favors will have the person follow you
b. Guildies!

2. Marriage - you can get married. What this affects gamewise other than your virtual passion is unknown. This person lives with and possibly travels with you. It apparently is almost any npc.If you search previous marriage threads, Todd has already confirmed that you can only marry "certain" NPC's, though every race is represented. Thanks laagamer

3. Friendships - why i added this is because its more elaborate than it was in oblivion. Friendship, in this game is tied to Radiant story. Friends will offer you quests. I hope its not like Fable 3 where you befirend everyone and they give you all the same quest, and after awhile you have a 1000 of them asking you their ring burried somewhere random.

4.For Evil and Lone Rangers - Im adding this because it is a play type expecially in oblivion that seemed to be... less looked into by development. Evil Players- in both Morrowind and oblivion. There was not very many evil things you could do quest wise. I mean i suppose if you murdered everything and had good stealth you could sneak into towns and what not and try not to get caught. There was Dark brotherhood as well. It just seemed playing a pure evil villain wasnt an option that was extremely fun. But i am trying it right now in Oblivion. Maybe my mind set will change.
By lone ranger i mean, maybe you are the hero, but what if you dont want to be that famous figure but still want to help people. Is it possible? Probably not.

1. Crazy Awesome
2. Unscripted for most part other than MQ stuff.
3. Fire Dragons and Frost dragons (there is more but not many)
4. Not every dragon wants ur face
5. Question??? When will the dragons be random and numerous? Will it be from the get go? Will you have to get to some point in the main quest? Like how in oblivion there are no gates around at the beginning and you can play most of the game without them. I personally plan on just wandering around for 20 levels before i do anything i think, i would like to encounter a dragon at that time.
6. Todd says riding them is unlikely.

Final Note: This is all i can think of right now, if anyone thinks something is wrong or missing please lets discuss it. I also want to hear your ideas and predictions. Nothing is better than a Elder Scrolls fan discussing his wishes. I think Skyrim will be a game I can enjoy as much as Morrowind. Its world is unique and that sense of discovery, as Todd says, will be back. Thank you again.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:01 am

I really prefer Morrowind to Oblivion, but Skyrim is going to kick Morrowind's [censored] too, in my opinion.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:05 am

What do you mean by this one:

2. Argonians and Khajits have same animations as the others

I remember reading that their tails move, etc, which of course, the other races don't do. Or were you looking for drastically different, like running on all fours, more hunched stance, etc.?

(I'll keep wading through the rest of your post and write more soon. Nice post by the way!)

First Edit:

6. The World levels with you but at a better standard than it did in oblivion. There are are types (easy, Normal, Harder etc) but they still will be relative to your level so your not restricted to much on going anywhere. But what i want answered is lets say for example. I go to Dungeon A and its Hard, and i leave because i cannot beat it, i level up a couple of times and return, does it stay the same as my first visit or does it level with you. Todd said something that made that seem so.

From what I understand, certain areas (and the dungeons contained therein) are level based. So say, area A is level 1-10. If you go there at level 1, things are scaled to that and fixed forever at that level, +/- a few levels. If you go to a level 30-40 zone at level 1, everything will scale to 30 (the lowest limit) and be fixed. If you go to a level 20-30 zone at 50, everything will scale to 30, and be forever fixed. That's how I understood it anyway.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:46 am

Well, lots of things that we already know, but nice job.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:51 am

You can add the Imperial Legion to the factions, that's confirmed.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:54 am

What do you mean by this one:

2. Argonians and Khajits have same animations as the others

I remember reading that their tails move, etc, which of course, the other races don't do. Or were you looking for drastically different, like running on all fours, more hunched stance, etc.?

(I'll keep wading through the rest of your post and write more soon. Nice post by the way!)

First Edit:

6. The World levels with you but at a better standard than it did in oblivion. There are are types (easy, Normal, Harder etc) but they still will be relative to your level so your not restricted to much on going anywhere. But what i want answered is lets say for example. I go to Dungeon A and its Hard, and i leave because i cannot beat it, i level up a couple of times and return, does it stay the same as my first visit or does it level with you. Todd said something that made that seem so.

From what I understand, certain areas (and the dungeons contained therein) are level based. So say, area A is level 1-10. If you go there at level 1, things are scaled to that and fixed forever at that level, +/- a few levels. If you go to a level 30-40 zone at level 1, everything will scale to 30 (the lowest limit) and be fixed. If you go to a level 20-30 zone at 50, everything will scale to 30, and be forever fixed. That's how I understood it anyway.

You can add the Imperial Legion to the factions, that's confirmed.

I made a fix for you both, and Endrak, sorry for the extremely bad typos and wording =)
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:31 am

Ignoring your inability to proof read your own writing, some of the "information" in your post is off; no offense. I don't know who your sources are but you've been misinformed.

Please name your sources for:
- "4. Customization (faces) From what Todd said you have less customization per say, but you pick from some default faces and adjust from there to look less ridiculous."
The only thing I've heard is that you have 10x the customization previously allowed and there was no mention of only being able to select preset faces in ANY of the Quake-con demo articles.

- "Question?? Shouts- Will they get stronger as you level? for example. Each shout has 3 stages, but if you have lets say the push shout stage 1, at level 2, and dont get the other 2 stages when your level 50, is that shout more powerful? or is its affect the same no matter what level you are, or are the creatures just affected the same regardless of their level?"
Why is there a random question in the middle of your "facts" list?

- " But what i want answered is lets say for example. I go to Dungeon A and its Hard, and i leave because i cannot beat it, i level up a couple of times and return, does it stay the same as my first visit or does it level with you. Todd said something that made that seem so."
A Dungeon's enemy scale stays locked at the original level it was set at when you first entered said Dungeon. This was confirmed about 1 day after the game was announced.

- "It apparently is almost any npc."
If you search previous marriage threads, Todd has already confirmed that you can only marry "certain" NPC's, though every race is represented.

Once again, don't mean to offend, but these are some things I thought to be incorrect. Could you name your sources on those if possible?
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:21 am

3. Skills - Combat (Smithing, One handed, two handed, block, heavy armor,) Magic (Destruction, Alteration, Illusion,Restoration, Conjuration, Enchanting) Stealth (Alchemy, sneak, light armor, archery, speechcraft) May have missed a couple, not sure what has been combined or not

There should be 18 total this time. You missed lockpicking and pickpocket, and speechcraft is now simply "speech". Rest looks good. :)
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:45 pm

Ignoring your inability to proof read your own writing, some of the "information" in your post is off; no offense. I don't know who your sources are but you've been misinformed.

Please name your sources for:
- "4. Customization (faces) From what Todd said you have less customization per say, but you pick from some default faces and adjust from there to look less ridiculous."
The only thing I've heard is that you have 10x the customization previously allowed and there was no mention of only being able to select preset faces in ANY of the Quake-con demo articles.

- "Question?? Shouts- Will they get stronger as you level? for example. Each shout has 3 stages, but if you have lets say the push shout stage 1, at level 2, and dont get the other 2 stages when your level 50, is that shout more powerful? or is its affect the same no matter what level you are, or are the creatures just affected the same regardless of their level?"
Why is there a random question in the middle of your "facts" list?

- " But what i want answered is lets say for example. I go to Dungeon A and its Hard, and i leave because i cannot beat it, i level up a couple of times and return, does it stay the same as my first visit or does it level with you. Todd said something that made that seem so."
A Dungeon's enemy scale stays locked at the original level it was set at when you first entered said Dungeon. This was confirmed about 1 day after the game was announced.

- "It apparently is almost any npc."
If you search previous marriage threads, Todd has already confirmed that you can only marry "certain" NPC's, though every race is represented.

Once again, don't mean to offend, but these are some things I thought to be incorrect. Could you name your sources on those if possible?

Okay i fixed the things you have confirmed for me thank you

The question is because i want the answer :P

and in terms of customazation i watched tood talk about it in an interview, i will try my best to find it for you, but ive seen alot :P

again thank you
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