Is anyone aware of Skyrim being available for download on the next-gen consoles?
Is anyone aware of Skyrim being available for download on the next-gen consoles?
None will be backwards compatible with PS3/Xbox 360.. so it's on MS and Sony to make those playable. So only time will tell.
There's no good reason to re-release a two year old game. It's not new enough to justif cross-platform, and not old enough to bring back for nostalgia with maybe a retexture.
Skyrim will stay current-gen.
Who knows if it will be ported at some point. Maybe if Bethesda decides to make an Anthology for all the TES games for the next gen consoles.
This question seems to pop up regulary. Looks like some people don't get the message...
No, Skyrim won't be released on next-gen consoles. The real question is why should they. What's the real benefit for releasing on next-gen?
1. they can make money of selling the old games on the new consoles. A lot of people never play games on the PC and just use consoles for playing games.
Granted I would prefer they focus on making the next game.
By the way I do not have a console and the last one I had was a PS2 and Xbox back in 2005. Likely I will not get one unless I get a good deal on Xbox 360 or PS3 so I can play DIII since that version looks a lot better than the pc version since I can play offline with that one.