-again from M. Carifano : "after Oblivion where every place looked alike, in Skyrim you'll find once agin the excentricity of Vvardenfell. Here every Nord Clan has its own colors, its own identity."
I am a happy man.

-Every city and town is bound to some particular resources meaning if you burn their mill or mine, you affect their economy and they'll be forced to buy flour or mineral somewhere else and when you'll want to buy these resources here again it will be more expensive.
Radiant AI? I have to see it myself.
-dialogues : most "inimportant" NPC like simple villagers won't have any dialogue tree (instead they'll directly comment on rumors or on what they're doing) ; only important NPCs will actually exchange dialogue with you, you can cut short the dialogue only by walking away.
Ala Fallout I guess. Fine by me.
-Todd Howard Interview :
-"a cause-consequence tree for each mission",
-each mission will be a bit different according to which mission you did before and the path you play.
Finally! Still, need to see it myself.
-it seems he says that when most NPCs give you a quest, they'll give you precise directions or accompany you to the road showing you which direction to take to go on on you quest.
Much better than an actual GPS and without the NPCs giving any directions (so now we can ignore the GPS I guess).