So, I've been learning French since about June of last year. It's been a long process, but I'm slowly learning my way around the language.
So, one day I got a bright idea. Wouldn't it be a neat way to better learn the language by completely immersing myself in it through Skyrim, a game I know like the back of my hand? It would be an interesting experiment, if nothing else. Given how often things are repeated in Skyrim, I'm bound to pick up a few things, right?
I downloaded the French language update and started up the game. Talk about total immersion! I started a new game, and muggled my way through the character gen screens. Then I looked through the skills, magic, items and map screens to familiarize myself all over again. Not too bad.
Then I went to Riverood and boy did I find out how much I don't know, or how poorly I know it if I do. I just couldn't keep up with the dialogue. My head was spinning! It would be one thing if the dialogue texts remained on the screen so I could at least take the time to read them, but alas. I am able to pick up on some things because I know the translations, and some things from context and knowing what is being discussed due to having heard/read it a hundred times.
One thing is for sure, this is going to be...interesting.