Skyrim in French

Post » Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:46 pm

So, I've been learning French since about June of last year. It's been a long process, but I'm slowly learning my way around the language.

So, one day I got a bright idea. Wouldn't it be a neat way to better learn the language by completely immersing myself in it through Skyrim, a game I know like the back of my hand? It would be an interesting experiment, if nothing else. Given how often things are repeated in Skyrim, I'm bound to pick up a few things, right?

I downloaded the French language update and started up the game. Talk about total immersion! I started a new game, and muggled my way through the character gen screens. Then I looked through the skills, magic, items and map screens to familiarize myself all over again. Not too bad.

Then I went to Riverood and boy did I find out how much I don't know, or how poorly I know it if I do. I just couldn't keep up with the dialogue. My head was spinning! It would be one thing if the dialogue texts remained on the screen so I could at least take the time to read them, but alas. I am able to pick up on some things because I know the translations, and some things from context and knowing what is being discussed due to having heard/read it a hundred times.

One thing is for sure, this is going to be...interesting.

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James Wilson
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Post » Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:35 am

I downloaded the Spanish voice files a while back. It's interesting to see how some terms and phrases would translate into Castilian Spanish and just Spanish in general. I'm somewhat disappointed that the Spanish term for "elf" is..."elfo." I guess "duende" is too silly. (I don't think I ever heard what Orcs or Redguards or Dwarves were called, either)

What I like the most from hearing games and shows in multiple language audio is the voice actors they choose.

But I have to say that the voices of the Spanish cast are a bit...samey. Not to mention the singing is always so forced no matter what alternate audio you choose. I think I'm going to go play with Spanish audio again.

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