I just made a video called "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XteEf6XvKk" (purposefully misspelled). It is essentially what I think a little kid's take on the official trailer might be.
Note: I am an avid fan of the Elder Scrolls series. The linked video is intended to be a lighthearted and funny jab at a YouTuber stereotype. If it fails to entertain, constructive criticism is appreciated.
After finishing this video, the result wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I first had set out to make it. Still, I think the idea spawned here might be a good basis for subsequent similar videos. I figure he could talk about the game's features and such, and do scribbly illustrations for the visual portion.
If anyone has ideas for what he can say and do and talk about, please reply!
Haha, that was really good. The funniest part for me was when you said "...And the hugs" while he was performing the sneak kill. :laugh:
I would be into you having this character do this for other trailers. I don't think you should actually change the trailer in any way, actually. It's fine as an audio commentary. If you changed what we were watching then you'd be changing what the kid is commenting on, and the things he's saying wouldn't make sense to people who haven't actually seen the trailer numerous times. For example, the "And the hugs" line made me laugh, and if you illustrated it yourself, I would have still laughed as I've seen the trailer 20+ times. But people who haven't would get it.
If you do plan on making this into a series, then I've got to admit the audio quality could use a little work. Yes this is supposed to be a little kid, and a little kid shouldn't have access to quality sound equipment, but I don't think people really think too hard about things like that. At one point in the video (0:11) you can very briefly hear the narrator of the trailer, which I thought was actually someone talking while you were recording your audio. It wasn't until I realized later that the trailer wasn't totally muted and that it was actually the narrators voice. And there's a low hum in the background that you can hear in the beginning, but that is sort of drowned out later once the sound of the actual trailer starts. Also, the voice sounded a bit too much like you were just holding your nose while talking, I think you could work on making the voice less fake.
If you had just said "check out my funny video," the first line of my post is all I'd say. But I only gave this constructive criticism because you asked. I don't want you thinking I'm just complaining.
Alright, it looks like I'll be going with the child's cartoon drawing look for the videos. So, I've updated about half of the original video with silly illustrations. Here's how it looks so far:
I thought this might be a good opportunity to involve the community and such. So, if you're interested in having your drawings appear in the video, please send them. I tried to make the messiest, goofiest looking drawings possible, and it was surprisingly fun. I'd love to share that experience with others if possible, and I'd love to see what you guys (or girls) come up with.
This can be done in whatever image editing or painting program you like.
Here are a couple good (and free) image editing programs that I know of:
If you'd prefer to just attach and send, I have an email address in the video that you can send them to. If you prefer posting or PMing a link from an image hosting site, that's cool too. Thanks preemptively!
This was what I was talking about. It's just not funny if you're commenting on your own drawings, and there were some parts that weren't funny specifically because I didn't see them happening
in the trailer. I much, much preferred the original video.