» Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:42 am
Hi! I'am with your games from the begining. I hardly testing 3D with Skyrim, now, etc, etc. I decided to write about some of Skyrim and other TES games disapointments but I admire the rest of work You done with this title. I've found several bugs in the game, too which are disapearing of some objects sometimes, hope other people tested it more.
1. This...the leveling. As we know Bethesda keeps the leveling of the world with leveling a player's character. This is really bad concept. In Skyrim it is better then in ealier games but the most annoyng is the situation when after a player's character leveled 1-2 levels then he finds much better stuff in orydinary hamlet's shop withis few days!!!! The stuff a player working hard for, for example to get better shoes, after 1-2 levels he can get even better but he cannot because new ones costs much more and there is any olders shoes he worked for (the same shop, a few days) And I ask. Is this so difficult to make normal and constants level monsters?? Really? Why not make this to be typical for older RPG games? Levels of the monsters should be from the lower level (as player is) to maksimum level (as player will be) but there should be different monsters so the player couldn't defeat some monsters when at lower levels and it cannot be linked with the level a player enters an area. Of course in Skyrim is some like that but you cannot find weaker type of monsters in new entered areas. To defeat stronger monsters the player has to use better stuff and tactics. This is stuff which should make a player stronger. IF You want to keep the leveling system in should be linked with a part of world only or with differnt starting places. For example, Nord character can start in WhiteRun, Reptile in South East City, etc. When it will be good if some surrounding places has lower lewels when player starts his yourney next to them, and higher when starts in different place. But I think that if the player finds often the same high level monsters (other types as is made in skyrim) when in higher level it kills the game!
2. Area scaling. Nobody finds tha this is really, really bad. The world should be 3-4 times bigger with the same places in it because now we have the situation when next city is in the same distance as a next corner shop from player's home in real life. This is very annoying!!!!! Really and very unnatural. Why You still keep this? Why, when makes the same world bigger will support crafting much (more animals, more plants, more ore, etc.).
3. In Skyrim there is the third big mistake. There is any characer screen!!!!! As Skyrim claims to be a RPG game this is unintelligible. Why You have done this? A character is very important for seeing effects, stuff and as character grows.
My opinion is that: fix those things mentioned above and you will make a historical- big game. Now it is a medium-good game with some annoying and unnatural elements.