I'm now rushing through the main quest till I get to Mirmulnir with my Dunmer Destruction/Dual wielder.
So please... Tell me the nice things a PC user gets

Favorite mods vary from person to person. My favs are in my sig. Just be careful to read the mod author's page before installing a mod to avoid conflicts. ENB's are nice also to boost your graphics if your PC can handle them.
Enjoy! Skyrim on PC is amazing.
Thank you! Don't worry about me, I know how to install mods as good as I know the back of my hand And I see a lot mods use BSA files for Skyrim. Wayy better than all the chaotic soup of files we had in Oblivion. Makes things easier to unistall
I've downloaded all the mods you suggested, but I ignored the graphic mods. My PC can't handle that
Some of those mods in my sig require SKSE/SkyUi in order to have access to the MCM so you can configure them. OBIS, Hunterborn, Immersive Armor, Frostfall.
Well, there's a lot of mods to choose from. Start from the unofficial patches for skyrim, dawnguard, hearthfire, dragonborn and the unofficial HR DLC patch if you use it.
Beyond that, you name it, it's out there, as long as you read about what it's in/compatible with.
Console commands...
1. Save.
2. Fus Ro Dah people.
3. Immediately open console and type toggleai on the people in the air.
4. Close console and laugh.
Also setscale
have fun but keep save backups incase you get carried away.
would recommend you visit (if you haven't) the nexus Skyrim site. a ton of mods.
indeed what mods you want is your choice but the SKSE and the SKUI are basicly mandatory these days if you want mods
they are pretty easy to install and the skui , which changes the player interface into something more userfriendly , and giving you a easier time selecting things from your inventoery and i am not going to spoil how much better the favorite menu
but the mods you like is personal choice , one other advice is to have a look at the nexus site and watch their tuttorial on how to mod your game , i
What can you do now with the PC version?
For starters, you can now talk about the mods you are using on these forums
Plus you have a greater variety of mods you can use and you have console commands.
There is really nothing you can't do. I suggest the unofficial skyrim patch though, one of the easiet things to implement over the console verison.
I updated my rig yesterday with a shiny new high level graphics card, to make it a proper gaming rig (was only used for strategy titles, had Skyrim on Xbox originally). Downloaded Skyrim from steam, wapped on 40 mods and just sat there gob smacked. Its so stunning.
I can not believe how awesome the game looks and feels. I just wandered around for ages staring at the trees, plants, streams and mountains. Its genuinely like playing a different game.
Some great quest mods are Undeath, Moonpath to Elsweyr, and Fight Against the Thalmor.