I think we can safely expect a hardcoe-esque mode (even if it has a different name). http://twitter.com/#!/MMAMIKEYMIKE/status/23724983230398465, http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/23730564544598016:
@MMAMIKEYMIKE When has fast travel ever not been optional? Don't want to use it, don't. Can't answer your 2nd question.
He essentially refused to answer. However, http://twitter.com/#!/davidcallens/status/23772427603419136, http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/23821035497328640:
@davidcallens *shakes magic 8-ball*. "Outlook Not So Good"

I think the fact that he's willing to deny the existence of features that definitely won't be in the game but won't deny the existence of a hardcoe Mode is good evidence of its existence. They're likely just holding off on talking about it. *gets excited*